From the course: Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

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The three types of curiosity

The three types of curiosity

- Did you know that there are three different types of curiosity, diversive, epistemic, and empathic? An example of diversive curiosity is when you're up late and you're scrolling through social media and the next thing you know, an hour's gone by and you have no idea what you're even looking at, cute puppies, makeover videos, beaches, and far-off places. Who knows? Diversive curiosity is a little more than a craving for new input. It's the desire for entertainment and excitement. It's like surface-level curiosity. This contrasts with epistemic curiosity, which is all about the desire to know something new in a much deeper way. You make a choice to learn about something and you take the time and the effort to do that. So say you're doing that late-night scroll and you come upon a bunch of plant videos and then you decide plants are really interesting and there must be a reason that you keep going back for more. So you start deliberately learning about how to grow them, and then you…
