From the course: C# and .NET Development with VS Code

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Installing VS Code and C# Dev Kit

Installing VS Code and C# Dev Kit

(lively music) - Hey everyone. Welcome to episode two of C# and .NET Development in VS Code for Beginners. In episode one we covered some definitions talking about VS Code or Visual Studio Code and why you should use it, as well as the C# dev kit extension, which is the extension that will enable us to be able to not just write C# code in VS code, but write it effectively and productively. And in this episode we are going to actually go ahead and install both VS code and C# dev kit and I'm going to walk you through it. The good news is I'm not going to be throwing you a bajillion steps of things that you got to do. You don't have to do any back flips here because when it comes to installing Visual Studio Code, all you got to do is hit this big old blue button that says download for insert whatever OS you're currently working on. So I'm using Windows, but if you're on a Mac, if you're on a Linux, on a Linux machine, then the button will probably change to that. And so I've got the…
