
Baby milestone chart: one to six months

Baby playing and smiling on rug with toys
Photo credit: / Steve Debenport

From flashing that very first smile to nailing the art of rolling over, your baby’s first six months are filled with so many milestones. Want to know when your baby might laugh, babble, or sit up for the very first time? Our handy baby milestone chart offers a rundown of baby milestones to watch for at each stage during these first six months.

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Keep in mind that all babies progress at a different pace. If you have any concerns about your baby’s development, ask your baby’s health care provider for advice.

Baby’s age: one month

Most babies

About half of babies

  • Follow objects
  • Make "ooh" and "aah" sounds

A few babies

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  • Smile
  • Hold head at 45-degree angle

Find out more about your baby at one month.

Baby’s age: two months

Most babies

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About half of babies

A few babies

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Find out more about your baby at two months.

Baby’s age: three months

Most babies

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About half of babies

  • Can do mini push-ups
  • Laugh

A few babies

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  • Turn towards loud sounds
  • May bring their hands together and bat at toys

Find out more about your baby at three months.


Baby’s age: four months

Most babies

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  • Hold head up steadily
  • Can bear weight on legs
  • Coo when you talk to them
  • Can do mini push-ups

About half of babies

  • Can reach out and grasp objects or toys

A few babies

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  • Imitate speech sounds, such as "baba" and "dada"
  • May get first tooth
  • May roll over from tummy to back

Find out more about your baby at four months.

Baby’s age: five months

Most babies

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About half of babies

A few babies

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  • May sit for a second without support
  • May roll over from back to tummy
  • Mouth objects
  • May show signs of stranger anxiety

Find out more about your baby at five months.

Baby’s age: six months

Most babies

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About half of babies

  • Reach for objects and mouth them
  • Roll in both directions
  • Respond to their own name

A few babies

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  • May lunge forward or start crawling
  • May babble or combine syllables
  • May drag objects towards themselves
  • May sit without support

Find out more about your baby at six months.

Discover what your baby may be able to do from seven to 12 months

Follow your baby's amazing development

BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

The following resources were used to write this article:

Alberta Health Services: Healthy Parents Healthy Children. nd. 2-6 months: growth & development. healthyparentshealthychildren.caOpens a new window [Accessed September 2023]

HealthLink BC. 2022. Your child’s development from birth to 3 years. healthlinkbc.caOpens a new window. [Accessed September 2023]

Alicia McAuley
Alicia is a writer and editor who specializes in parenting and health content