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What does it mean if you're measuring large for dates?

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Baby development at 28 weeks

Your baby can now open their eyes and will turn their head towards the source of any continuous bright light. Their fingernails are budding, and fat layers are beginning to form as they get ready for life outside the womb. If you like the thought of interacting with your baby while they are still in the womb then singing and reading to your baby is a good way to do it -- but don’t worry if you feel uncomfortable -- it's not for everyone. Read more information on your baby's development this week

baby with mini-eyelashes
Your baby at 28 weeks
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Your baby weighs as much as an eggplant

Eggplant illustration
head to toe
medical chart icon

Pregnancy symptoms at 28 weeks

There's not long to go now. The final trimester starts this week and lasts until the end of your pregnancy -- usually week 40 or beyond. Most women gain an average of 5 kg/11 lb during this time. You may see your doctor or midwife more often from now on but you don't have to wait for an appointment if you want to discuss anything -- just call.

You're probably vacillating between two feelings: "I've been pregnant forever" and "Help, I'm not ready for this." Don't worry, you're not the only one. Swapping experiences with other women in your prenatal class can be reassuring. If you're having your baby in hospital, try to arrange a tour so you know what to expect. Your prenatal class may organize one or the hospital may have them in the evenings.

If you're a partner, you may be beginning to worry about having to watch your partner go through childbirth and wondering how helpful you'll be. Knowing the different stages of labour is a good place to start, then read up about labour partners to find out what you can do. Make sure you know what to expect if things don’t go as planned. Your baby may need help to be born so find out about assisted deliveries and caesarean section.
baby in head down position at 28 weeks
Your body at 28 weeks
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Pregnancy Tip

"Now that it's later in my pregnancy, I find that if I sleep on either side with a pillow tucked underneath my stomach, I don't wake up at night." -- Val

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