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Join the movement to build a bigger and better coaching workforce

There is a great coach in all of us. Whatever your sport, whatever your background, whatever your level of experience – great coaching starts with YOU!

We are here to help you embrace your inner coach.

Our #Born2Coach campaign aims to substantially increase the coaching workforce by sparking people’s motivation and drive to become a coach, and empower those who already coach to advance their skills.

We will share information, advice and direction, including inspiring case studies and videos emphasising the essential characteristics and benefits of being a coach, and how you can uncover, develop, and capitalise on these traits to help you turn your passion into action.

Impact of Great Coaching

Coaching has a critical role to play in helping the sport and physical activity sector recover lost momentum following the devastating consequences of the pandemic. Coaches encourage people to be more active, more often, and positively influence lives and communities by impacting on physical and mental well-being, as well as social and economic development.

We want to build a coaching workforce that is representative of the population, capable of working across diverse communities, in multiple environments, and able to work to different outcomes.

To make this vision happen we need to build a future where EVERYONE feels they can coach.

It is a simple equation: boost the number of coaches, and the motivation and ambition of our existing coaching workforce, and we will boost the health and happiness of the nation.

How You Can Get Involved

We have partnered with some governing bodies of sport to provide deeper insight into the life of a coach, and what great coaching looks and feels like.

With the help of our network of physical activity and sports organisations we will empower existing coaches and recruit the next wave of coaches and help you go from good to great!

Open the page below that best describes you, and discover the enormous rewards of coaching.

I Want To Coach: Resources for those interested in getting into coaching. We will help you find your calling to become a coach and show you how to positively utilise your unique combination of skills to benefit both you and your participants. Register an interest in becoming a coach in the sport you love by filling out our online form.

I Am A Coach: We will help you rediscover your 'why' by exploring your purpose to help others and identify tools and strategies that will help you leave an indelible and positive impression on people's lives. 

Great Coaching Changes Lives

6.6 million people, 14% of the adult population, gave up their time to support others to be active in the period between November 2020 and November 2021. However, this is a fall of more than 3.1 million people compared to Sport England's Active Lives data for November 2019-20, and follows a drop in numbers in the years prior to the pandemic (2016-2019).

Recruitment holds key to recovery

The last 'Coaching in the UK' survey in 2019 showed that between 2017-2019 there was a 2% decrease in the proportion of coaches from lower social groups; a 3% decrease in female coaches; and a 4% fall in coaches from ethnically diverse communities.

While activity levels are up 2.6% in the academic year 2021-22, meaning there are 219,000 more active children and young people (CYP) compared to the previous year, there is an increase in the number of CYP doing no activity at all, up by a quarter of a million (3.3%) since pre-pandemic. 

Sport England research has consistently indicated a shortage of volunteers, with around 70% of sport clubs reporting a need for more support in this area.

Stay Connected. Join the Club.


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