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Data Collections

Obtain information about data collections administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) to gather important information about students, schools, and districts that are used for state and federal reporting purposes.

California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS)
This page provides information about CBEDS, an annual collection of district and school information used for state and federal reporting.

California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)
This page provides information about CALPADS, California's longitudinal data system used to collect information about demographics, program participation, courses, staff data, graduation rates, and other data used for state and federal reporting.

Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS)
This page provides information about CDMIS, the CDE's data system for collecting information about subsidized childcare and development programs used for state and federal reporting.

Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS)
This page provides information about CARS, a data collection system for collecting information used for Categorical Program Funding application and allocation, and for state and federal reporting.

Cradle-to-Career Data System
This page provides information about the California Cradle-to-Career Data System  that will connect data from early education, K-12 education, financial aid, higher education, workforce, and health and human services.

Fiscal and Attendance Data
This page provides information about fiscal and attendance data, including Principal Apportionment, tax collection, local educational agency budget preparation, attendance, and Local Control Funding Formula data used for state and federal reporting.

Special Education
This page provides information about the collection of data for students with disabilities in California for state and federal reporting and monitoring purposes.

Additional Resources

School & District Information
Additional information about about schools and districts, including County-District-School (CDS) codes, administrator names, address, phone number, legislative district and other information.

Questions:   Education Data Office |
Last Reviewed: Monday, January 22, 2024
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