
Solid foods by age: 24 to 36 months

How will mealtimes change?

Now that your toddler is two, he will pretty much be able to eat what the rest of the family eats. Don't add any hot spices or additional salt to your toddler's meal, though.

Try to offer him a variety of colours, flavours and textures in his diet. Doing this may help to hold his attention at mealtimes. He'll also learn about new tastes.

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Your toddler is probably getting better at using a spoon. He may also be able to use a fork, and begin to cut soft foods with a table knife or break small pieces of roti and dip them in dal or curry. He may even make it through a whole meal without squirming or demanding to be let down to play.

If your toddler is eager to please, you may find he develops basic table manners, or is keener to try new foods.

Your toddler may be a slow eater, so be patient. Toddlers respond positively to praise. Even if your toddler only eats a small amount, praise him. Offer him small portions. If he finishes what's on his plate, praise him and then offer him some more.

But try not to let mealtimes drag on. Limit them to 30 minutes. If your toddler hasn't eaten much after 30 minutes, he's probably not suddenly going to finish his plate. As difficult as it may be for you to throw out uneaten food, let him leave the table and wait for the next snack or meal. If he didn't eat much the previous meal, you can serve him the same food again. Or give him some other nutritious food.

Try to make mealtimes enjoyable and make sure they're not just about food. Sit down and have a chat about other things. Eat in a calm, relaxed environment away from distractions such as the TV, pets, games and toys.

If your toddler still has a daytime nap, try to develop a meal and snack routine that fits around it. Your toddler probably won't want to eat a large meal just before nap-time, especially if he is very tired. He might prefer a small snack or healthy drink, with a proper meal when he wakes up.

If your toddler goes to a crèche or daycare or has a family member or maid caring for him while you are at work, let them know how your routine and approach to mealtimes works. Your toddler's mealtimes will then be familiar to him, wherever he is. Also ask them to be sure to wash their hands before and after every meal and trip to the bathroom.

How can I make food fun?

Keep offering new foods to your toddler. But make sure that you include at least one food in your toddler's meals that you know he likes.

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Don't forget finger foods. Your toddler will enjoy having the control of touching his food and feeding himself.

You could try inviting a friend from your toddler's preschool or your neighbourhood for a snack or meal. Your toddler may be happier to eat well if he's watching a friend eat too.

Your child will learn to eat new foods by watching you, or watching other children, eat them.

It's hard if you and your husband both work full-time, but when you can, try to eat together as a family. At these shared mealtimes, eat the same foods as your toddler. Make sure you say positive things about what you're eating.

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"NHS. 2011. Birth to five development timeline.

Scaglioni S, Salvioni M, Galimberti C. 2008. Influence of parental attitudes in the development of children eating behaviour. Br J Nutr. 99, Suppl 1: S22-5.

Sheridan M. 2008. From birth to five years: children's developmental progress. London: Routledge
Priya Solomon Bellani
Priya Solomon Bellani is BabyCenter India's Deputy Editor.