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The latest

February 29, 2024

Atos announces evolution of its Board of Directors

Paris, France – February 29, 2024 Atos today announces the nomination of three new directors to further strengthen its Board of Directors during the company’s transformation…

February 28, 2024

Market update

Atos confirms FY 2023 revenue and operating margin results in line with guidance Revenue: €10,693m, up +0.4% organically Eviden up +2.9% organically Tech Foundations down -1.7% organically Operating margin of 4.4% (€467m

February 5, 2024

Market update

Atos: Market update, February 5, 2024

January 25, 2024

Eviden and Microsoft forge five-year global strategic partnership to accelerate Cloud & AI strategies, and boost industry transformation

Eviden, the Atos Group business leading in digital, cloud,…

What our clients say about us

UGAP: Leveraging the move to cloud

UGAP: Leveraging the move to cloud Atos and Open partner with UGAP to support the French public sector in its transition to cloud At a glanceUGAP is the leading…

Intelligent networks and integrated service desk at Siemens Healthineers

Atos supports two key projects for Siemens Healthineers, advancing its ambition to digitize the core.

Streamlining manufacturing business with cloud-SAP for Siemens

A holistic set of secured cloud services for agile operations

Accelerating WA health system digitalization

Accelerating WA health system digitalisation Building critical health ICT infrastructure for delivery of health care to every Western Australian. At a glanceHealth Support Services (HSS), the ICT service provider for…

Latest blogs

February 28, 2024

Why local IT partnerships are essential for global businesses: The legal perspective

Contract issues can make or break an IT project. Learn how.

February 8, 2024

Digital immortality: Pardon the pun, but when will it come to life?

Digital immortality is still far off, but the pace of innovation is accelerating every day.

January 31, 2024

Can work from home reduce your carbon footprint?

Creating a sustainable digital workplace is truly a balancing act. Learn how to get it right.

December 11, 2023

The Metaverse: Shaping the future of immersive digital experiences

The metaverse is now expanding beyond shopping and gaming. Find out what's next.