
Best baby monitors

photo collage of baby monitor cutouts
Photo credit: Babycenter

Best baby monitor overall

Best travel baby monitor

Photo credit: Amazon

Best audio baby monitor

Best non-wifi baby monitor

Best wifi baby monitor

Photo credit: Amazon
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How to buy baby monitors

Our research

AAP. August 2017. The Truth About Home Apnea Monitors for SIDs [Accessed November 2021]

Marcus et al. 2012. Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Pediatrics (2012) 130 (3): e714–e755. [Accessed November 2021]

AAP. June 2021. How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained. [Accessed November 2021]

AAP. 2012. Baby monitor cords can strangle infants, toddlers. AAP News (2012) 33 (9): 36. [Accessed November 2021]

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Jenn Bonicelli and Meghan Hertzfeldt

Jenn Bonicelli and Meghan Hertzfeldt are the authors of the book, You Can Two: The Essential Twins Preparation Guide and cofounders of parenting site Two Came True. 

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