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Improving Physical Ability

 Help the people you coach develop their movement and fitness skills

To improve physical abilities: 

  • Ensure that you’re aware of the latest Chief Medical Officer Guidance, and that it informs your coaching decisions. 
  • If you coach children, support them to develop fundamental movement skills. Movement competency is a key topic in this area. 
  • Understand athlete development models and apply as appropriate to the people you coach. Can they inform your sessions?  
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest research, which can inform your practice in relation to coaching movement skills and human development.  
  • Understand the impact of good nutrition and hydration for people who are physically active. Encourage the people you coach to learn more about healthier choices. 
  • Browse All
    • Applying Physical Well-being to Your Coaching

    • An Introduction to Using Periodisation in Your Skills Training

    • Duty to Care: University Coaching Team Tackles Period Taboos

  • Browse All
    • Encouraging Fundamental Movement Skills

    • Understanding Balyi’s Long-Term Athlete Development Model

    • Youth Physical Development Model

  • Browse All
    • Youth Physical Development Model

    • Nutrition and Hydration for Physical Activity

    • Encouraging Fundamental Movement Skills


Free Resource Picks

Understanding Movement Competency

When coaching fundamental movement skills, the movement competency of children should be a key priority

Nutrition and Hydration for Physical Activity

Understanding nutrition and hydration is essential for anyone who is physically active. This infographic provides a useful starting point

Boing Kids: Creating Fun Games That Promote Physical Literacy

At the 2019 UK Coaching Conference, Charlotte Potterton discovered the six defining principles of Boing Kids' evidence-based games

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Ask our Experts: Selection Processes and S&C Guidance

Guidance on how to help participants deal with disappointment, especially in youth sport

Understanding Balyi’s Long-Term Athlete Development Model

Balyi’s Long-Term Development Model proposes that talent development takes place over a series of stages

Plyometric Coaching: The Facts

Coaches should ensure that sessions with plyometric training (training muscles to produce power) are high in volume but low in intensity

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From the Experts

'Less is More' Approach

UK Coaching's Development Lead for Physical Activity Craig Blain considers how coaches can apply this model for the benefit of participants

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To Stretch or Not to Stretch

Practical guidance on stretching for coaches, including on how to incorporate it into warm-ups appropriately, to clarify the research in the area

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