The Wayback Machine -

Welcome to is the official website of the State of Texas. From here, we’ll guide you to online services, resources, and information around our great state. 

Photo credit: Eugenio B via Unsplash

Welcome to is the official website of the State of Texas. From here, we’ll guide you to online services, resources, and information around our great state. 

Photo credit: Eugenio B via Unsplash

Texas Vital Records

Do you need records for major life events like birth, death, marriage, or divorce? Good news! You can order these records online easily and securely.

Order Texas Vital Records
Group of people with variety of ages standing against white wall

Explore Texas

See Texas outdoors, recreation, and culture

Enjoy the Lone Star State’s parks, historical landmarks, campgrounds, fishing, hunting, exhibits, fairs, and culture. We’ll connect you with what you need—and want to do.

Explore Texas
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Make your business boom

Find business resources that help you run and grow your company—from job seeking and recruitment, to economic development programs and help with business taxes.

Find business resources
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Stay Healthy

Texas offers a variety of resources to help you and your loved ones live your life as healthy as possible.

Learn about Texas health services
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Government that works for you

Texas government agencies offer a range of resident and business services for Texans. Find the service and agency that can help you.

Access Government Services Directory