
climate neutral supporting brand emblem
This company is a Climate Neutral Supporting Brand. They have provided a charitable donation to support Climate Neutral's work. (This donation does not change the requirements of their verification).





Software + Tech

First Certified


Current Certification Year


SmugMug is Climate Neutral Certified

It has measured, reduced, and compensated for all of its emissions from making and delivering its products and services.

This certification covers business activities and operations for the following brands:

No items found.

SmugMug achieved Climate Neutral Certification as part of 's certification process. 's measurement, reduction plans, and compensation fully account for SmugMug's prior year emissions.

01 Measure

SmugMug measured its Scope 1, 2, and 3 cradle-to-consumer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which includes all emissions from making and delivering their products and services. Small and medium companies self-attested to their measurement data, and large companies had their data verified by a third party. Learn more about GHG measurement boundaries, data requirements, and verifications in the Climate Neutral Standard.

GHG Scope 1 ?
GHG Protocol Scope 1

Emissions from energy used in buildings, fleets, and equipment.

15 tCO2e

GHG Scope 2 ?

246 tCO2e

GHG Scope 3 ?
GHG Protocol Scope 3

Emissions from raw materials, manufacturing, shipping, air travel, and other activities in the supply chain.

2,234 tCO2e

Total Emissions ?
Total Carbon Emissions

The sum of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

2,495 tCO2e

02 Reduce

SmugMug has committed to reduction targets and specific action plans to reduce operational and value chain emissions within the next 12-24 months. These actions align to the Climate Neutral Standard.

Science-Aligned Targets

Aligned with the global need to limit warming to to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Active Reduction Commitments

We commit to reducing 2022 Scope 1 & 2 emissions 50% by 2030

Reduction Action Plans

Active Reduction Work

Source of Emissions

Software and servers


We will reduce our computer energy consumption by 20% by adopting advanced energy-efficient new AWS technologies such as Lambda, Graviton, and more Serverless offerings across all of our platforms and services.

Source of Emissions



We will shut down our office, completely eliminating our energy use in that building. We are committed to being a distributed workforce.

Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Completed Reduction Plans

Source of Emissions

Software and servers


We will reduce our computer energy consumption by 20% by adopting advanced energy-efficient new AWS technologies such as Lambda, Graviton, and more Serverless offerings across all of our platforms and services.

Source of Emissions



We will shut down our office, completely eliminating our energy use in that building. We are committed to being a distributed workforce.

Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Source of Emissions


Science Aligned Targets

SmugMug is implementing a Reduction Action Plan to reduce emissions from within its own operations and supply chain.

Current Year Reduction Actions


What We’re Reducing

Software and servers

How We'll Reduce It

We will reduce our computer energy consumption by 20% by adopting advanced energy-efficient new AWS technologies such as Lambda, Graviton, and more Serverless offerings across all of our platforms and services.


What We’re Reducing


How We'll Reduce It

We will shut down our office, completely eliminating our energy use in that building. We are committed to being a distributed workforce.


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It

In Progress Reductions


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It

Completed Reductions


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It


What We’re Reducing

How We'll Reduce It

03 Compensate

SmugMug is investing outside of its value chain in high quality, verified projects that meet the Climate Neutral Standard. These projects accelerate climate progress and compensate for SmugMug's current GHG emissions as its reduction actions are implemented.

Total Expenditures in Carbon Credits


Emissions Offset ?
Offset equivalency

For reference, reducing a footprint by 1000 tonnes is roughly equal to removing 230 passenger vehicles from the road for a year.

2,495 tCO2e

SmugMug's credits came from:

Icon of a tree

Avoided Deforestation ?

About SmugMug

At SmugMug, we are committed to building a better, more sustainable business. As a private, Certified Evergreen company our goals stretch 100 years out, centered on building awesome tools and platforms for photographers. The first step in century scale planning begins with working on our impact right now. By measuring and reducing our carbon footprint, we are actively building a better world for future generations of photographers. Alongside focusing on our long-term impact on climate, we are passionate about protecting the open and wild spaces that photographers are inspired to visit and capture. We prioritize carbon offset projects that meet these goals, and we are also active and engaged members of The Conservation Alliance.

About the Climate Neutral Certification and Label
Wherever you see the Climate Neutral Certified label, it means the same thing: a company is leading on immediate climate action. Companies earn the label annually after completing Climate Neutral certification. The certification process is underpinned by our rigorous, peer-reviewed Standard. It requires all companies to measure, reduce, and compensate for all of their emissions from making and delivering products and services.
tag mockup showing climate neutral certified
Brand Search
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Discover hundreds of Climate Neutral Certified brands that measure, reduce, and compensate for their emissions. Not just talking about climate change, but doing something about it right now.
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It’s true that climate change has never been worse. But we’ve never had better tools to deal with it. The sooner we start, the easier it will be.
About Us
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Change Climate is a nonprofit organization working to eliminate carbon emissions through our globally-recognized Climate Neutral Certified label, accessible, action-focused  tools and community resources.
Mid Term Targets

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

has committed to reducing emissions by .

This target is aligned with global trajectories to limit climate warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Mid Term Targets

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

This target is aligned with global trajectories to limit climate warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

01 Measure

SmugMug measured Scope 1, 2 and 3 cradle-to-customer emissions following categories and approaches established in the Climate Neutral standards.

02 Offset

SmugMug invested in projects outside of their value chain to compensate for all of their measured carbon emissions. This step supports their climate neutrality designation, and enables SmugMug to take responsibility for historical emissions that can’t be reduced.

03 Reduce

SmugMug is implementing a Reduction Action Plan to reduce emissions from within its own operations and supply chain.

What is Climate Neutrality

A state in which human activities result in no net effect on the climate system. Requires balancing of residual greenhouse gas emissions with reductions or removals. All Climate Neutral Certified brands must meet climate neutrality standards for measuring, offsetting, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from making and delivering products and services.