AWS Architecture Center
Reference architecture examples and diagrams
Explore architecture foundations
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Build resilient architectures
Explore architecture foundations
Get Started Architecting on AWS
If you're new to AWS, or just want to brush up on best practices, start with these resources.AWS Well-Architected
AWS Well-Architected provides a framework to help cloud architects build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient architectures.Are You Well-Architected?
Establishing Your Cloud Foundation on AWS
This guided path approach helps you build and evolve your AWS Cloud environment based on a consolidated set of definitions, scenarios, guidance, and automations.Establishing Your Cloud Foundation on AWS - Beyond Your Landing Zone
Overview of AWS
Explore this helpful resource outlining every AWS service at-hand to help you pick the right service for your architecture.An Introduction to AWS
Stay up to date
Featured AWS Architecture Blog Posts
Top announcements of AWS re:Invent 2023
In this blog post, we provide daily updates on the most exciting product launches announced at AWS re:Invent 2023, the premier AWS event of the year.
Let’s Architect! Tools for Developers
In this post, we show you some tools that every developer should consider including in their toolkit, including Amazon CodeWhisper which is used for getting coding recommendations powered by machine learning algorithms, and Amazon CodeGuru which is used for code analysis.
Announcing Updates to the AWS Well-Architected Framework Guidance
We are excited to announce the availability of improved AWS Well-Architected Framework guidance. In this release, we have made the implementation guidance for the new and updated best practices more prescriptive, including enhanced recommendations and steps on reusable architecture patterns targeting specific business outcomes in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.
What's New at AWS
Build resilient architectures
Cloud Resilience
Learn how to keep your system running during times of disruption or stress with these resources.Reliability Pillar - AWS Well-Architected Framework
The reliability pillar focuses on workloads performing their intended functions and how to recover quickly from failure to meet demands.Designing for Reliability with AWS Well-Architected
Building Resilient Well-Architected Workloads Using AWS Resilience Hub
Learn how to use AWS Resilience Hub to assess and improve the resilience of your architecture based on its actionable recommendations.Introduction to AWS Resilience Hub
Resilience Lifecycle Framework: A Continuous Approach to Resilience Improvement
The resilience lifecycle framework outlines five key stages containing resilience learnings and best practices that you can use to improve your resilience posture.Incorporating Continuous Resilience in Your Development Ecosystem
Browse our content
The AWS Architecture Center provides reference architecture diagrams, vetted architecture solutions, Well-Architected best practices, patterns, icons, and more. This expert guidance was contributed by cloud architecture experts from AWS, including AWS Solutions Architects, Professional Services Consultants, and Partners.
Technology categories
Analytics & big dataBuild secure, reliable, cost-effective data-processing architectures.
Compute & HPCLearn how to develop, deploy, run, and scale your applications.
ContainersLearn the most secure, reliable, and scalable way to run containers.
Cost optimizationLearn how to continuously optimize your costs.
DatabasesChoose the right database for your use case and access patterns.
End-user computingBuild architectures that help you respond to the changing needs of your workforce.
IoTLearn to connect devices and collect, store, and analyze device data.
Machine learningBuild effective and efficient machine learning (ML) architectures.
Management and governanceLearn to more rapidly and reliably build and deliver products using AWS.
MicrosoftLearn best practices for building and running Microsoft applications.
MigrationLearn how to move existing applications to AWS.
Networking and content deliveryLearn to connect devices and collect, store, and analyze device data.
Security, identity, & complianceLearn how to meet your security and compliance goals using AWS infrastructure and services.
ServerlessLearn to build and run applications and backend services without servers.
StorageDesign reliable, scalable, and secure data storage architectures.