Amazon Forecast
Forecast business outcomes easily and accurately using machine learning
Forecast 10,000 time series
for 2 months with the AWS Free Tier
Scale operations by forecasting millions of items, using the same technology as
Optimize inventory and reduce waste with accurate forecasts at a granular level.
Improve capital utilization and make long-term decisions with more confidence.
Increase customer satisfaction with optimal staffing to meet varying demand levels.
How it works
Use cases
Retail and inventory forecasting
Reduce waste, increase inventory turns, and improve in-stock availability by forecasting product demand at specific probability levels
Workforce planning
Forecast workforce staffing at 15-minute increments to optimize for high and low demand periods
Travel demand forecasting
Forecast foot traffic, visitor counts, and channel demand to more efficiently manage operating costs
How to get started
Try the AWS Free Tier
Pay nothing or try for free while learning the fundamentals and building on AWS.
Deploy recurring workflows with no-code
Use AWS CloudFormation and AWS Step Functions to set up repeatable and sustainable workflows.
Connect with an expert
From development to enterprise-level programs, get the right support at the right time.