Amazon CodeCatalyst
Quickly build and deliver apps at scale on AWS.
Get 2,000 build minutes, 60 Dev Environment hours, 10 GB of source storage, and 64 GB total Dev Environment storage
with the AWS Free Tier
Accelerate project setup with blueprints to codify best practices
Collaborate and scale fluidly across teams with centralized and secure access management
Automate daily workflows and environment creation and management
Improve developer productivity with generative AI capabilities using natural language inputs
How it works
Amazon CodeCatalyst is a unified software development service for development teams to quickly build, deliver and scale applications on AWS while adhering to organization-specific best practices. Developers can automate development tasks and innovate faster with generative AI capabilities, and spend less time setting up project tools, managing CI/CD pipelines, provisioning and configuring various development environments or coordinating with team members. IT Leaders can codify organizational best practices at scale via application blueprints to ensure compliance across teams with scale.
How to get started
Explore project blueprints
Bring your existing code or start from scratch, using blueprints to set up your project tools in minutes.
Browse the documentation
View the CodeCatalyst documentation to dive deeper.
Check out Dev Environments
Launch a new automatically configured Dev Environment on demand in one step.