
These are the choking hazards hiding in your child’s Halloween bag

Knowing which candy is safe for your child will ensure that your family has a happy and sweet Halloween.

toddler reaching into bucket of Halloween candy
Photo credit: / Onfokus

Key highlights

  • BabyCenter worked with a pediatric hospitalist to sort popular Halloween treats into those that are safe for children of all ages and those that are choking hazards for kids younger than 4.
  • The majority of Halloween candies pose a choking risk to young children.
  • Candies that are round, chewy, or gummy are all considered choking hazards.
  • To ensure you’re giving safe treats to toddlers this Halloween season, opt for larger treats that melt in the mouth, like chocolate bars or cookies.
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Many of the popular candies given out for Halloween can be more trick than treat. BabyCenter worked with medical advisory board member Elizabeth Donner, M.D., a pediatric hospitalist at the Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, to review popular Halloween treats for potential choking hazards. Of the 25 options reviewed, Dr. Donner identified 15 – that’s 60 percent – as choking hazards.

“Choking hazards are incredibly common when you start to look at Halloween candies,” says Dr. Donner. “You basically want to avoid anything round, chewy, or gummy if your child is 3 or younger. Candies that fit these criteria are more likely to cause a choking incident in young kids and should be avoided entirely.”

You can still let your toddler enjoy Halloween candy, but you should give them larger treats that can melt in their mouth, like chocolate bars, cookies, or cupcakes, she says. It’s also important to supervise children closely and have them eat while seated.

You’ll want to remain especially vigilant if you have children younger than 4 years old, as they’re more likely to experience a choking incident. (Also, it's recommended to avoid giving babies and toddlers under age 2 any foods with added sugar – including candy.)

unsafe Halloween candies


Dr. Donner also cautions that young children can (and do) put non-food items in their mouths, which is an additional cause for concern: “You’ll also want to watch out for candy wrappers, stickers, bouncy balls, small toys, and temporary tattoos,” she says.

“Parents should be aware of these choking hazards ahead of time so that they can be on the lookout for potential dangers and prevent accidents from occurring,” says Dr. Donner. She explains that it’s also important to know the signs of choking, so that you’re able to intervene if needed to help your child.

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“Gagging is when a child opens their mouth and pushes their tongue outward to prevent an object from ‘going down the wrong tube,’ so to speak,” explains Dr. Donner. “They may turn bright red and make sputtering or retching noises. Gagging is the body's way of protecting the airway from choking. Let it happen naturally – there’s no need for intervention at this point.”

If the gagging or coughing noises stop, that’s a sign that the foreign object has become lodged in the child’s airway and that your little one is actively choking. “In this scenario, they are no longer able to pass any air in or out of the lungs, so they will often appear very panicked and unable to breathe,” says Dr. Donner.

Choking incidents aren't as uncommon as you might think  – at least one child dies every five daysOpens a new window from choking on food. That's why it’s a good idea to take a child-specific choking and CPR rescue maneuver class, so you’ll know how to respond in the event of an emergency, says Dr. Donner. (BabyCenter offers a virtual Infant CPR, Choking, and Safety courseOpens a new window that covers all of this information.)

“If a child is actually choking, meaning that they are struggling to breathe and no longer making any gagging or coughing noises, it's time to act,” Dr. Donner says. “Start by calling 911. For those younger than 1 year, quickly give five back blows alternated with five chest thrusts, repeating until the choking is resolved or the victim goes unconscious. For children 12 months and older, use the Heimlich maneuver. If the victim loses consciousness, CPR should be performed until help arrives.”

While this information can be disturbing, it’s important to think through ahead of time to prevent accidents.

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“By practicing some vigilance and preparedness this season, you can ensure that you and your child both have a happy – and safe – Halloween,” says Dr. Donner.

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New York State Department of Health. 2022. Choking Prevention for Children. a new window  [Accessed October 2023]

Robin Hilmantel

Robin Hilmantel is the editorial director of special projects at BabyCenter. She has more than a decade of experience in health and lifestyle reporting, writing, and editing. She lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she enjoys spending her nonworking hours with her husband, two sons (Marlow and Wylie), and tripod dog (Kiwi).
