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Funds raised US$544,356,909
Nets funded 248,644,501
People protected 447,560,102

Non-net costs

Non-net costs are all costs associated with a net distribution excluding the cost of the nets themselves. Distribution non-net costs include: all shipping, pre-distribution and distribution costs. Pre-distribution activities include establishing accurate net need per household based on a count of household population and/or sleeping spaces. Distribution costs are those associated with the logistics of handing nets to beneficiaries. There is a further category of post-distribution non-net costs. Post-distribution activities involve monitoring, typically at 9-month intervals for a period of two and a half years and of 1.5% of the nets distributed, to assess net presence, use and condition.

We list here all sources of funds for non-net costs and detail how they are spent.

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Country, Distribution yearDistribution month/s# of netsMonitoring costsUSD/Net
     Expenditure to dateAdditional (est)Total (est) (=Final)  
Bas Uele Province, 2024 May 24 879,600   $195,035 $195,035 0.22
Kwango Province, 2023 May 24 1,604,130   $345,248 $345,248 0.22
Plateau State, 2023 Jan 24 2,998,650   $39,106 $526,531 $565,637 0.19
Kinshasa Province, 2023 Dec 23-Jan 24 4,363,556   $1,343,444 $1,343,444 0.31
Ituri Province, 2023 Dec 23-Jan 24 4,136,000   $32,860 $711,335 $744,195 0.18
Zamfara State, 2023 Dec 23 3,208,250   $41,121 $563,027 $604,148 0.19
Benue State, 2023 Dec 23 4,047,750   $41,395 $705,858 $747,253 0.18
Kongo Central Province, 2023 Dec 23 3,163,200   $26,721 $955,640 $982,361 0.31
All 4 Regions, 2023 Dec 23 10,811,960   $66,331 $1,646,254 $1,712,585 0.16
Tshopo Province, 2023 Nov-Dec 23 2,513,809   $30,075 $420,059 $450,134 0.18
Haut Lomami Province, 2023 Oct-Nov 23 2,664,200   $32,204 $807,311 $839,515 0.32
6 Provinces, 2023 Oct 23-Jan 24 6,291,900   $85,660 $1,105,283 $1,190,943 0.19
Haut Uele Province, 2023 Oct-Nov 23 1,397,000   $30,042 $245,002 $275,044 0.20
Togo, 2023 Oct 23 3,920,050   $72,359 $684,500 $756,859 0.19
Tanganyika Province, 2023 Jul-Aug 23 2,254,000   $34,739 $684,885 $719,624 0.32
Haut Katanga Province, 2023 Apr-Jun 23 4,900,269   $34,505 $1,370,731 $1,405,236 0.29
Chad, 2023 Dec 22-Dec 23 6,842,100   $119,317 $1,193,134 $1,312,451 0.19
South Sudan, 2023 Dec 22-Dec 23 5,730,750   $347,034 $1,027,124 $1,374,157 0.24
Sud Ubangi Province, 2022 Sep-Nov 23 1,978,313   $30,102 $606,011 $636,113 0.32
Bauchi State, 2022 Jul 23 3,306,800   $53,120 $584,922 $638,042 0.19
Mongala Province, 2022 Mar-Apr 23 1,900,243   $30,483 $188,898 $219,381 0.12
Kasai Oriental Province, 2022 Feb-Jul 23 3,031,318   $37,541 $278,531 $316,072 0.10
Lomami Province, 2022 Dec 22-Mar 23 2,852,613   $99,565 $194,762 $294,327 0.10
Akwa Ibom State 2022 Dec 22-Feb 23 3,678,400   $161,562 $230,800 $392,362 0.11
Equateur Province, 2022 Nov 22-Jan 23 1,650,897   $90,293 $137,561 $227,854 0.14
Kasai Province, 2022 Oct 22-Feb 23 2,963,816   $97,486 $198,343 $295,829 0.10
Sud Kivu Province, 2022 Aug 22-Jun 23 5,158,238   $186,195 $294,018 $480,213 0.09
Kwilu Province, 2022 Jul-Aug 22 3,584,837   $136,384 $247,639 $384,023 0.11
4 Regions, 2022 Jun-Aug 22 3,095,550   $163,860 $252,110 $415,970 0.13
Maniema Province, 2022 Jun 22 1,896,455   $279,119 $126,713 $405,832 0.21
Sankuru Province, 2022 May-Jun 22 1,532,286   $141,932 $68,295 $210,227 0.14
Bas Uele Province, 2022 Mar 22 863,778   $132,744 $52,853 $185,597 0.21
Ituri Province, 2021 Jun-Jul 21 3,561,498   $388,258 $24,162 $412,420 0.12
Tshopo Province, 2021 Jun-Jul 21 2,287,099   $301,087 $17,853 $318,940 0.14
Haut Uele Province, 2021 Apr-May 21 1,128,844   $208,288 $208,288 0.18
Kongo Central Province, 2020 Dec 20-Jan 21 2,888,356   $335,723 $335,723 0.12
Tanganyika Province, 2020 Dec 20-Feb 21 2,095,205   $247,616 $247,616 0.12
Kinshasa Province, 2020 Dec 20-Jul 21 4,355,904   $272,569 $20,621 $293,190 0.07
Haut Lomami Province, 2020 Dec 20-Jan 21 2,544,717   $314,124 $314,124 0.12
All 4 Regions, 2020 Nov 20-Mar 21 13,031,880   $946,224 $72,642 $1,018,866 0.08
Haut Katanga Province, 2020 Oct-Dec 20 3,923,430   $884,191 $884,191 0.23
4 of Togo's 5 Regions, 2020 Oct 20-Jan 21 4,016,530   $475,424 $475,424 0.12
Sud Ubangi Province, 2020 May-Jun 20 1,774,286   $281,260 $19,412 $300,672 0.17
Selected Provinces, 2020 Jan-Dec 20 1,126,000   $370,000 $41,344 $411,344 0.37
Équateur Province, 2019 Oct-Nov 19 1,454,615   $473,908 $473,908 0.33
4 Regions, 2019 Apr-Aug 19 4,800,000   $897,921 $897,921 0.19
Selected Provinces, 2019 Jan-Dec 19 1,013,800   0.00
12 Districts, 2018 Sep-Dec 18 4,323,050   $895,125 $895,125 0.21
Three Regions, 2018 Sep-Nov 18 3,600,000   $569,818 $569,818 0.16
Selected Provinces, 2018 Jan-Dec 18 954,100   $25,821 $25,821 0.03
C + E + NW + W Provinces, 2017 Jan-May 18 3,023,550   $459,015 $459,015 0.15
4 of Togo's 5 Regions, 2017 Jul-Aug 17 2,413,250   $314,235 $314,235 0.13
Western & Eastern, 2017 Mar 17-Mar 18 12,753,120   $1,738,015 $1,738,015 0.14
Selected Provinces 2017 Mar-Dec 17 1,159,400   0.00
3 Regions 2016 Apr-Sep 16 2,689,100   $1,200,230 $1,200,230 0.45
Nord Ubangi 2015, Equateur Dec 15-Jun 16 705,648   0.18
Balaka, Ntcheu, Dedza 2015 Feb 15-Mar 16 1,146,900   $700,233 $700,233 1.29
Dedza District 2014 Sep-Nov 14 290,770   $233,803 $233,803 1.65
Kasai Occidental 2014 Aug-Nov 14 630,532   0.16
Balaka District 2013 Oct-Dec 13 154,230   $19,080 $19,080 0.69
Ntcheu District 2012 Dec 11-Feb 12 268,420   $21,583 $21,583 0.08
Distribution costs between 2012 and 20151,345,2831,345,283
Total income allocated   $36,020,000
Total spent   $16,592,689
Total unspent   $19,427,311
Total estimated additional cost   $18,187,890
Balance   $1,239,421