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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A331763 Number of vertices formed by drawing the lines connecting any two of the 2*(n+2) perimeter points of a 3 X (n+1) rectangular grid of points (or equally, a 2 X n grid of squares). 17
13, 37, 99, 213, 401, 657, 1085, 1619, 2327, 3257, 4457, 5883, 7751, 9885, 12403, 15513, 19131, 23181, 28115, 33601, 39745, 46821, 54865, 63733, 73879, 84889, 97063, 110639, 125649, 141797, 160129, 179981, 201175, 224481, 249403, 276291, 306003, 337425 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)



Triangles A331452, A331453, A331454 do not have formulas, except for column 1. The column 2 sequences, A331763, A331765, A331766, are therefore the next ones to attack.

See A331452 for other illustrations.


Lars Blomberg, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..100

Lars Blomberg, Scott R. Shannon, N. J. A. Sloane, Graphical Enumeration and Stained Glass Windows, 1: Rectangular Grids, (2020). Also arXiv:2009.07918.

Scott R. Shannon, Colored illustration for a(3) = 99

Scott R. Shannon, Data specifically for nX2 (or 2Xn) rectangles

N. J. A. Sloane (in collaboration with Scott R. Shannon), Art and Sequences, Slides of guest lecture in Math 640, Rutgers Univ., Feb 8, 2020. Mentions this sequence.


Column 2 of A331453.

Cf. A331765, A331766, A331767.

Sequence in context: A043190 A043970 A183339 * A155263 A155228 A126367

Adjacent sequences: A331760 A331761 A331762 * A331764 A331765 A331766




Scott R. Shannon and N. J. A. Sloane, Feb 05 2020


More terms from Scott R. Shannon, Mar 11 2020

a(21) and beyond from Lars Blomberg, Apr 28 2020



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Last modified November 26 21:15 EST 2022. Contains 358362 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)