Flames to dust, lovers to friends.

Look­ing back­wards through the win­dow of time, it’s always tempt­ing to focus just on the good times, and want­i­ng more of those. If some­one offered you a life­time of good times and noth­ing else, who wouldn’t take that?

But life isn’t like that.

It’s like how you have to eat the let­tuce along with the bacon bits in a Cae­sar sal­ad. If you want­ed to invent a new sal­ad, com­posed just of bacon bits, that’s prob­a­bly a bad idea.

Yin and yang.

I’m not say­ing it’s bad to look through that win­dow, gaz­ing at close mem­o­ries, and peer­ing at those fur­ther away, hazy through the fog of time. It’s impor­tant to hold onto those mem­o­ries, those expe­ri­ences with trav­ellers whose paths no longer cross yours – because with­out them, what is left?

Yes­ter­day, I packed up six years of mem­o­ries into two suit­cas­es and a few box­es, and drove them back to my par­ents’ house. We did the things that had to be done, had a farewell hug, and said good bye.

It’s fun­ny to think that two suit­cas­es and a few box­es is the entire phys­i­cal man­i­fes­ta­tion of six years. But I leave with more than just that, and I hope you do too.

It will be tempt­ing to think, what if? But time con­tin­ues for­ward, as it always has and always will. This isn’t the time for regret; it is the time for us to grow, albeit apart.

I gave a talk at Google I/O in June this year with fel­low Googler Bren­dan Ken­ny, on the top­ic of Spa­tial Data Visu­al­iza­tion using the Google Maps API:

If you’re inter­est­ed in play­ing with the demos your­self, fol­low along with the slides, and per­haps even take a look at the source code!

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Pho­tos from the Sculp­ture by the Sea exhi­bi­tion at Bon­di on a beau­ti­ful, warm spring day. (Click the images to enlarge.)

Read the rest of this entry »

Cross­post­ed from Google Geo Devel­op­ers Blog

With a paper map, you can tru­ly make it your own by get­ting out a pen or a pen­cil, and adding your own anno­ta­tions to it. You could cir­cle all the muse­ums that you want to vis­it, or trace the route that you will take on your road trip.

Maps API appli­ca­tions can now offer users this sort of tac­tile inter­ac­tiv­i­ty using the new Draw­ing Library. The Draw­ing Library pro­vides a tool­box which enables users to draw mark­ers, lines, and shapes on the map, much as they would in any draw­ing appli­ca­tion. The tools can be used for col­lect­ing anno­ta­tions from users, or for select­ing regions to search or high­light. Appli­ca­tions can lis­ten for events when over­lays are added and respond accord­ing­ly, such as issu­ing the search query or sav­ing the anno­ta­tions to a database.

Shapes on a map, includ­ing shapes users have just drawn using draw­ing tools, can also be made editable so that users can mod­i­fy or cor­rect them. For exam­ple, the user could change the bounds for a geospa­tial query with the drag of a mouse. The Poly­line, Poly­gon, Cir­cle, and Rec­tan­gle class­es have a new editable prop­er­ty, which tog­gles the vis­i­bil­i­ty of con­trol points on these shapes.

For more infor­ma­tion on using the draw­ing library and editable shapes, please refer to the Maps API doc­u­men­ta­tion. The Maps API forum is a great place to dis­cuss these new fea­tures, or raise any oth­er Maps API issues that you may have. We hope that these new fea­tures will result in even greater inter­ac­tiv­i­ty for appli­ca­tions built on top of the Maps API.

Chrome advertisement on NYTimes.com

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At around 3am Syd­ney time, YouTube went down:

Google’s mon­keys are still slav­ing away at it as I write this. And it looks like it’s just affect­ing Australia:

For future ref­er­ence, if you’ve got a box out­side Aus­tralia with ssh access, you can always quick­ly set up a proxy like so:

ssh -D 1337 username@example.com

This sets up a SOCKS proxy on local­host (your own com­put­er) at port 1337 (sub­sti­tute port num­ber to taste) — then sim­ply point your brows­er at it. With this, I ver­i­fied that the YouTube out­age at the very least did­n’t affect the Unit­ed States, by ssh-ing into nointrigue.com, which is host­ed in the US.

Relat­ed post from a while ago: Sil­ver­hawks: Get­ting around con­tent restric­tions. (Using -D with ssh is eas­i­er than the method with Privoxy men­tioned in that post, though.)

Hap­py Aus­tralia Day.

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Just over two years ago, I cre­at­ed the inau­gur­al nointrigue.com Aus­tralian Law Firm Rank­ings, which worked on the basic assump­tion that the big­ger and the more notable a law firm is, the more peo­ple would be want­i­ng to talk about it. And what bet­ter way to mea­sure this than to ask Google.

Here are the rank­ings updat­ed, for 2011.

There have been some slight changes in method­ol­o­gy, in an attempt to focus the search results down to the pages that tru­ly mat­ter. Start­ing with what we used for the 2009 rankings:

"law firm name" law site:.au

this has been sup­ple­ment­ed by search terms that remove pages from the law fir­m’s own web site and from some par­tic­u­lar web-based direc­to­ries (the list of which is arbi­trary and could well be improved). For example:

"Allens Arthur Robinson" law site:.au -site:yellowpages.com.au -site:truelocal.com.au -site:findlaw.com.au -site:lawyerlist.com.au -site:hotfrog.com.au -site:aar.com.au

For law firms with an amper­sand or a plus sign in their name, addi­tion­al search terms were insert­ed to allow for vari­a­tions in spelling, like so:

("Gilbert + Tobin" OR "Gilbert and Tobin" OR "Gilbert & Tobin" OR "Gilbert Tobin") law site:.au -site:yellowpages.com.au -site:truelocal.com.au -site:findlaw.com.au -site:lawyerlist.com.au -site:hotfrog.com.au -site:gtlaw.com.au

Now, with­out fur­ther ado:

Law Firm  Pages  Part­ners1 ’09 
1 Clay­ton Utz 78,900 201 6 Up
2 DLA Phillips Fox 72,400 149 10 Up
3 Minter Elli­son 66,100 291 4 Up
4 Blake Daw­son 57,400 175 8 Up
5 Free­hills 48,500 202 1 Down
6 Mallesons Stephen Jaques 46,600 186 2 Down
7 Allens Arthur Robinson 37,900 177 3 Down
8 Corrs Cham­bers Westgarth 25,700 108 9 Up
9 Mad­docks 23,500 53 12 Up
10 Bak­er & McKenzie 21,200 90 13 Up
11 Nor­ton Rose2 19,800 146 5 Down
12 Mid­dle­tons 18,900 67 17 Up
13 Sparke Hel­more 18,500 49 16 Up
14 Coop­er Grace Ward 16,000 24
15 Hold­ing Redlich 15,600 55 14 Down
16 Hen­ry Davis York 10,100 52 22 Up
17 Gilbert + Tobin 9,470 55 15 Down
18 Piper Alder­man 9,170 57 21 Up
19 Hunt & Hunt 7,130 55 7 Down
20 Arnold Bloch Leibler 6,990 29 20
21 McCul­lough Robertson 6,490 46 19 Down
22 HWL Ebsworth 5,320 120 27 Up
23 Kennedy Strang3 4,970 72 31 Up
24 Grif­fith Hack 4,890 30
25 Gadens 4,470 125 11 Down
26 Tress­Cox 4,270 35 23 Down
27 Davies Col­li­son Cave 2,990 36 24 Down
28 Hall & Wilcox 1,780 30 28
29 Thom­sons Lawyers4 1,250 47 30 Up
30 Lan­der & Rogers 815 47 26 Down
31 Moray & Agnew 596 59 29 Down
32 Macpherson+Kelley 340 51
33 Col­in Big­gers & Paisley 324 29

1 The num­ber of part­ners is the pro­ject­ed fig­ure for 2 Jan­u­ary 2011, as report­ed by the Aus­tralian Finan­cial Review on 10 Decem­ber 2010, page 47.
2 Nor­ton Rose merged with Dea­cons, which was #5 in the 2009 rankings.
3 Kennedy Strang is a group of law firms (Kemp Strang, Rus­sell Kennedy, Thynne & Macart­ney, Lynch Mey­er). The report­ed page count is the total count for these law firms.
4 Thom­sons Lawyers was called Thom­son Play­ford Cut­lers at the time of the 2009 rankings. 

To get a feel for the “noise” in the page count, that is, the num­ber of pages in the result set that do not actu­al­ly refer to the law firm in ques­tion, I man­u­al­ly exam­ined the top 30 search results for each law firm. For only three firms was 1 out of the 30 pages iden­ti­fied as spu­ri­ous; the oth­er law firms had no spu­ri­ous results. This, of course, does­n’t mean the sig­nal-to-noise ratio remains con­stant as one pro­gress­es towards the tail end of the search results; Google’s algo­rithms, by now, are prob­a­bly quite good at get­ting the more rel­e­vant pages to appear in ear­li­er search results.

Manda­to­ry read­ing (for those of you who have read this far and have tak­en every­thing seri­ous­ly): xkcd on using Google to mea­sure things

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Hap­py New Year… to all my read­ers! May 2010 bring world peace, per­pet­u­al hap­pi­ness and an Apple slate com­put­er. – Enoch, in Rome.

05 Jan 2010 | 4 comments

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