Category Archives: Video

New Akismet

I’ve been really enjoying the new features in Akismet:

Big Web Show Interview

The other day I was interviewed by Jeffrey Zeldman and Dan Benjamin for the Big Web Show, which you can now view here. Also good to watch if you’d like an update on my beard adventure. 🙂

Back, Feeling Good

I’ve been offline (mostly) for the past week while at Tracker School and over the next few days I’ll be catching up on what happened while I was out. You guys were busy. 🙂 As I pulled into my garage after a long drive this song came on shuffle and I wanted to share it with you guys — Nina Simone’s Feeling Good:

Cool Touch Interface

While reading Michael Arrington’s essay Why Desktop Touch Screens Don’t Really Work Well For Humans I came across this video, which I thought was pretty cool.

Hopefully this whets your appetite for whatever comes out of Apple tomorrow. Should be an interesting day for as well: whenever Apple does a major announcement we blow past all our previous traffic records. The current one-day record is 63.5 million pageviews.

Dubai Timelapse

A month or so ago I got a tilt-shift lens (Nikon PC-E Micro Nikkor 45mm f/2.8D ED) and one of the first things I wanted to try was interval shooting to make a stop-motion like tilt-shifted video like these awesome ones from Australia photographer Keith Loutit. Haven’t quite figured out how to make them look that cool yet but here’s one of the first efforts, taken from the Burj Al Arab looking down at its car entrance at night. Watch how the lights come in and out of focus, and how fast the cars are at the intersection. The video is available in full HD if your computer can handle it just toggle it in the top-right and go full-screen.

Big thanks to Michael Pick of fame for doing all the video magic here.