Wikimedia Cookie Statement

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Policy:Cookie statement and the translation is 43% complete.

As stated in our Privacy Policy, Wikimedia believes strongly in the values of privacy and transparency. To that end, we have created this Cookie Statement as a clear reference guide to the use of cookies on Wikimedia Sites. This Cookie Statement explains how we use cookies (and other locally stored data technologies), how we use third-party cookies, and how you can manage your cookie options. For more information on our privacy practices, please visit our Privacy Policy.

维基媒体基金会是托管维基媒体网站的非营利组织,它使用各种常用技术积极收集某些类型的信息。这些通常包括 跟踪像素JavaScript,以及各种“本地存储数据”技术,如Cookies本地存储



Cookie通常根据它们在过期前保持活动状态的时间进行分类。“会话”Cookie通常是在您关闭网络浏览器或移动应用程序时过期的 Cookie。“持久性”Cookie 是指即使在您关闭浏览器或移动应用程序后仍保留在您的设备中的 Cookie。 持久性 Cookie 会根据我们设置的持续时间或您手动删除它时过期。你可以在维基百科上了解更多关于cookie的信息

您可以通过浏览器设置删除或禁用Cookie。有关如何管理Cookie选项的更多信息,请参阅 第3节,下文中的本Cookie 声明。

有关此术语和其他可能相关的关键术语的更多信息,请阅读我们的 隐私政策术语表


Cookies are not required in order to read or edit the Wikimedia Sites. We use the information we receive from cookies and other locally stored data technologies to make your experience with the Wikimedia Sites safer and better, to gain a greater understanding of user preferences and interactions with the Wikimedia Sites, and to generally improve our services. Cookies are required in order to login and for your edits to be associated to a user account; without cookies, your edits will be anonymous and unassociated with an account.



These cookies help the Wikimedia Sites work and are essential in order to enable you to move around the Wikimedia site and use their features. These cookies are useful for remembering your username in the login field, maintaining your session and remembering previous actions, keeping you logged in (if selected), and more.


名称 Expires 分类 What does it do?

{$wgCookiePrefix}* Token

365天,如果用户选择“保持登录状态”。否则省略。 功能 提供“保持登录状态”功能。
{$wgCookiePrefix}* UserID, UserName 365天,如果用户选择“保持登录状态”。否则30天。 功能 帮助识别您在Wiki中的身份,并使您保持登录状态。
loginnotify_prevlogins 180 days 功能 验证您是否从已知设备登录。



{$wgCookiePrefix}* Session

当用户退出浏览器时 功能 管理会话。提供登录维基媒体项目等功能。




名称 Expires 分类 What does it do?
stopMobileRedirect 30 days 系统设置 告诉我们,如果您不喜欢,请不要重定向到移动版网站。
uls-preferences 本地存储,而不是Cookie 系统设置 允许您设置通用语言选择器功能的首选项。
hidewatchlistmessage- [watchlistMessageId]

● 其中watchlistMessageld是要隐藏的消息的ID

28 days 系统设置 允许用户隐藏监视列表消息。
userFontSize 本地存储,而不是Cookie 系统设置 Keeps track of your preferred font size on the mobile site.
preferredEditor 本地存储,而不是Cookie 系统设置 Keeps track of your preferred editor on the mobile site.

Performance and Analysis:

These cookies count the number of visitors and collect information about how you use the Wikimedia Sites. This allows us to better understand your user experience on the Wikimedia Sites and helps us improve them for you and other users — for instance, by making sure users are finding what they need easily. Other examples include:

  • remembering pages visited, and actions taken on the Wikimedia sites so we can optimize the pages;
  • remembering if users get error messages from web pages;
  • storing your most recently read articles directly on your device, so they can be retrieved quickly;
  • remembering the topics searched so that we can optimize the search results we deliver to you;
  • remembering the list of articles you are following on your watchlist so that we can recommend similar articles that you may be interested in.


名称 Expires 分类 What does it do?
centralnotice_bucket 7天 Performance and Analysis Helps us understand the effectiveness of notices provided to users through the CentralNotice extension. For more details, see
ext.popups.core.previewCount 本地存储,而不是Cookie Performance and Analysis Helps us understand the effectiveness of Hovercards.
WMF-Last-Access 30 days Performance and Analysis Helps us calculate Unique devices accessing our site. See:


We will never use third-party cookies on our wikis unless we get your permission to do so. These cookies would allow us to render services provided by third parties, such as "like" and "share" buttons. When a third party provides these kinds of services, they may require the use of a cookie in order to provide their services.

If you ever come across a third-party cookie transferred to your device during your access of the Wikimedia wiki sites, where you did not take any action to authorize the use and/or transfer of that cookie  (such as one that may have been mistakenly placed by another user or administrator), please report that cookie to us at

A note about Wikimedia Foundation non-wiki sites:

Some non-wiki Wikimedia Foundation sites are hosted by a third-party service provider.

Sites hosted by WordPress VIP may have the WordPress Stats module enabled. Stats is a service that allows us to understand how many visitors we get to our WordPress-hosted non-wiki sites, their location by country, and which pages, posts and links are the most popular. Only the Wikimedia Foundation and the service provider, Automattic/WordPress, have access to the raw Stats data, which is retained for a maximum of 30 days. For more information about Stats, see WordPress' support page on the module.

Sites hosted by Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc., known as Discourse forums, use cookies for functionality purposes and to store preferences. Only the Wikimedia Foundation and the service provider have access to the raw data. For more information about the cookies and their retention periods, see Discourse's information about cookies. Please note that the Wikimedia Foundation has not configured its Discourse forums to use Google Analytics, serve advertisements, or process donations; Discourse cookies related to those purposes are not used in our Sites.

What are my cookie options?

While this is not a comprehensive list, below are some of the things that you can do to limit use of cookies and other locally stored data technologies on your device. While cookies and other locally stored data technologies may not be necessary to use our sites, some features may not function properly if you disable them.

You can:

  • remove or disable specific locally stored data on your browser's settings (you can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent);
  • use a browser that can block third-party cookies; or
  • install a plug-in to block locally stored data, if one is available.

Turning off the browser's cookies will prevent tracking pixels from tracking your specific activity. A tracking pixel may still record an anonymous visit from your IP address, but unique information will not be recorded. If you do not want to receive tracking pixels, you will need to disable HTML images in your browser-based email client, and that may affect your ability to view images in other emails that you receive.

Where can I find more information?

Please read through our Privacy Policy for more information. If you have any further questions, contact

