RYA Online Professional Practices & Responsibilities

RYA Online Professional Practices & Responsibilities

RYA Online Professional Practices & Responsibilities (PPR)

Each year approximately 4,500 people apply to the RYA for a commercial endorsement in order to use their RYA qualifications professionally as skipper or crew. You could be doing anything from delivering a new yacht or driving a work boat with lifting and towing gear, to running a superyacht in the Med. Whatever your job is onboard, in the commercial world you are a professional seafarer. As such, you have a duty of care to crew, passengers, and other water users, and you will be held to account if things go wrong.

The course is broken down into four modules:

1. Commercial Environment – how you fit into the professional maritime world.
2. People – the importance of correct manning, keeping your skills up to date and the safe management of commercial vessels.
3. Vessel – the compulsory carriage and maintenance of safety equipment and how to create and implement risk control and operating procedures. ·
4. Purpose – making sure your vessel is suitable and legal for the work you are carrying out, your obligations in protecting the environment, appropriate planning and situational awareness.
You will need to download resource material to keep using as a reference point. Before going for the final test please make sure you try the practice tests, as you will only have two chances in the final test.

Course Duration

We estimate users will take around 6 to 8 hours to work through the four course modules. The graded end of course assessment is split into two sections, totaling 2 ½ hours.

Login Details

We will email you a personal username and password. You will be given tutorials on the site but you can also email our instructors with the link on the training site if you need any further assistance.


Once you have successfully completed the final test please print out your certificate. Please keep your login details safe incase you need to access the site to print out further copies of the certificate.

Book Your Session

More Information

This course is taken online from your home.


This is an online course. you will need a PC, Mac or Tablet to complete the course.

Once you have booked your course we will email you a personal username and password. You will be given tutorials on the site but you can also email our instructors with the link on the training site if you need any further assistance.

To complete the course you will need the navigation pack which is included in the course cost. This includes the training charts, training almanac, plotters and dividers. We will post to the address you used when booking online, unless you notify us otherwise.

If you do not hear from us with your login details please email us or phone 01273 42 48 42 option 1.

Changing Bookings

We have different cancellation policies for each of our centres please check our full booking terms and conditions.

Activities at Hove Lagoon

Alterations to Bookings at Hove Lagoon

Customers are able to rearrange course dates up to two times with no charge when Lagoon Watersports is given :

48 hours notice for courses under £75 per person

7 days notice for courses priced between £76 – £300 per person

14 days notice for course over £301 per person

If Lagoon Watersports is given less than the required notice period this considered to be a cancellation.

In circumstances when a customer requests more than two changes of a date, a rebooking fee of 50% of the course fee will be charged.

In circumstances where the customer is unable to choose new dates or Lagoon Watersports is unable to offer suitable alternative dates a credit will be applied to the customers account that is valid for 24 months.

Cancellation charges

Customers may cancel a course with written notification from the lead name in your group.

The following cancellation fees apply when Lagoon Watersports is given :

  • More than 4 weeks notice before course/event starts – 25% of the course price will be taken as a cancellation fee.
  • Less than 4 weeks notice before course/event starts – 100% of the course price will be taken as cancellation fee.

Course Cancellation by Lagoon Watersports

In circumstance where Lagoon Watersports cancels a course (Excluding Force Majeure) the customer may choose a new date or a full refund.

Postponement due to COVID-19

If you are required to self isolate via government guidelines you can reschedule you booking to a later date within our schedule availability. No refunds are available due to COVID-19.

Force Majeure

In circumstances out of our control we will endeavour to rebook and hold credit for any activity in the future valid for 24 months. This includes cancellation by us due to COVID-19. No refunds will be given in these circumstances.

Activities at Brighton Marina

Rescheduling your dates

RYA Courses

Due limited availability you can only reschedule up to 14 days prior to the course start date to give us time to fill your place, within 14 days and up to 48 hours it will cost £99 to reschedule. Within 48 hours you will need to rebook at full cost of the session/Course

Zero to Dayskipper and Learn to Sail packages are allowed a maximum of 2 changes to dates without penalties, this must be at least 7 days prior to the course date otherwise a penalty fee of £75 will be incurred

Boating experiences trips, Powerboat ride, Jet Ski Safaris 

Individuals booked onto boating experiences may reschedule up to 48 hours prior to the activity, within 48 hours you will loose your booking and given a 25% discount on rebooking

Cancellation charges

You may cancel with written notification from the lead name in your group.

The following cancellation fees apply :

  • More than 4 weeks before course/event – loss of deposit or 25% of course/event fee
  • Less than 4 weeks before course/event – 100% of price of course/event

Group changes in numbers

Rescheduling your dates

RYA Courses

Due limited availability you can only reschedule up to 14 days prior to the course start date to give us time to fill your place, within 14 days and up to 48 hours it will cost £99 to reschedule. Within 48 hours you will need to rebook at full cost of the session/Course

Zero to Dayskipper and Learn to Sail packages are allowed a maximum of 2 changes to dates without penalties, this must be at least 7 days prior to the course date otherwise a penalty fee of £75 will be incurred

Boating experiences trips, Powerboat ride, Jet Ski Safaris 

Individuals booked onto boating experiences may reschedule up to 48 hours prior to the activity, within 48 hours you will loose your booking and given a 25% discount on rebooking

Cancellation charges

You may cancel with written notification from the lead name in your group.

The following cancellation fees apply :

  • More than 4 weeks before course/event – loss of deposit or 25% of course/event fee
  • Less than 4 weeks before course/event – 100% of price of course/event

Group changes in numbers

Group bookings confirm numbers 4 weeks prior to the event with the final balance. Any changes in numbers we will endeavour to accommodate, the following applies

Numbers increases up to 24 hours prior to the event will be accommodated as much as possible, priced per head

Number decreases up to 7 days prior to the event will be accommodated, but where this reduce your group size below 6 persons you will need to pay for 6 persons. Session durations might vary depending on changes to group sizes

Cancellation by Lagoon Watersports

RYA Courses

If we need to cancel due to Instructor availability, damaged equipment or engine failure or weather conditions/Sea State we will give you as much notice as possible and offer new dates to complete the course.

Boating experiences trips, Powerboat ride, Jet Ski Safaris 

If we need to cancel due to Instructor availability, damaged equipment, engine failure or weather conditions/Sea State we will do all we can to arrange another suitable date, if we cannot provide suitable availability then you will be offered a full refund

Force Majeure  – In circumstances out of our control we will endeavour to rebook and hold credit for any activity in the future with a two year expiry


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