Hear from our Clients


Hear from our Clients

We’ve had the opportunity to work with many wonderful families. Below are a few stories about our clients as told by YCCA staff.


Helping families get and stay healthy

“A few weeks after assisting a family with their Kaiser CHP application, the family came in concerned. Together our Community Resource Specialist (CRS) and the client called Kaiser who told them that the application hadn’t been entered into their system. The CRS knew that Kaiser received it because she had received back the stamped postcard that Kaiser sent out stating that the application has been received. The CRS and client spoke to a Kaiser Supervisor and were able to fax in the application again for same day processing!


Making learning fun

“Last weekend one of our ELAs was at a grocery store and a little girl came running up to her saying ‘Maestra, maestra (teacher, teacher)!’ She was with her dad, who the ELA had never met. The dad introduced himself and thanked her for being his daughter’s teacher. He said that every time she comes home from PSE she tells him about the books they read in class. He also noticed that she shows more interest in letters and often points out to the first letter in her name.


Concrete support in times of need

“A young mother and her 1 year son were referred to us by a friend. The mother had lost her job and was depressed. She had been admitted to a mental hospital, while her mother took care of her son. During her appointment we found out that she had few resources and that her unemployment funds were ending soon. The little boy was not covered by any insurance and was overdue for shots. The mother seemed malnourished and so did her son. We assisted with an application for Medi-Cal and for Calfresh and we also got her attending the weekly fresh fruit and vegetables distribution.


Identifying solutions

“During April, we served many families with free income tax preparation assistance. Part of our intake process is to ask about awareness of and participation in CalFresh and other family assistance programs. Toward the end she asked if they needed assistance with any of the other programs and learned they also were interested in applying for CalFresh. Our staff made a CalFresh appointment for later that week and the family is now enrolled in and receiving $212/month in CalFresh benefits.


A knowledgeable resource

“The mother of a two year old boy came in to apply for MediCal. After reviewing income, the staff person working with her noticed that her family might be also eligible for CalFresh. We explained how the program works and its requirements. The mother was uncertain, stating that she is in the process of becoming a legal resident in the United States and was concerned about raising red flags that might delay her applications. Our staff gave her a Public Charge fact sheet and some time to read it. She thought about it for a day and then came back to apply for CalFresh.