About Us

Why Faith and Climate Living our faith means leading on climate change as stewards of God’s creation.
Blessed Tomorrow is a coalition of diverse religious partners working to advance climate solutions in faithful service to God.
You can make a difference on behalf of creation by limiting carbon emissions and bearing witness to climate change.

Latest Blog Posts

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31 US Denominations and Religious Groups Launch ONE HOME ONE FUTURE Campaign for Congregations Nationwide

In a historic moment, today 31 US denominations and faith organizations have joined together to launch One Home One Future,…
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Trabajar por la justicia climática requiere valentía

El clima está en transición y a veces puede resultar desalentador intentar llamar la atención de otros sobre este tema…
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Ambrose Carroll of Green The Church, An Interview

Black churches have long been a place of inspiration and refuge and many folks have traditionally relied on these religious…

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