
Author: Lisa Seitz-Gruwell



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7 reasons you should donate to Wikipedia

Tento příspěvek je dostupný i v češtině.Questo post è anche disponibile in italiano. People give to Wikipedia for many different reasons. The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia, ensures that every donation we receive is invested back into serving Wikipedia, Wikimedia projects, and our free knowledge mission.  While many visit Wikipedia on a daily….

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7 ragioni per cui dovresti donare a Wikipedia

Tento příspěvek je dostupný i v češtině.This post is also available in English. Le persone donano a Wikipedia per tanti motivi diversi. La Wikimedia Foundation, la fondazione senza scopo di lucro che gestisce Wikipedia, garantisce che ogni donazione ricevuta venga investita per essere di servizio a Wikipedia, ai progetti Wikimedia e alla nostra missione relativa….

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7 důvodů, proč byste měli darovat Wikipedii

This post is also available in English.Questo post è anche disponibile in italiano. Lidé darují Wikipedii z mnoha důvodů. Nadace Wikimedia, nezisková organizace spravující Wikipedii, zaručuje, že každý získaný dar je investován zpět do Wikipedie, projektů Wikimedia a jejího poslání volného přístupu ke znalostem. Přestože mnozí navštěvují Wikipedii denně, ne vždy je jim na první….

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Google and Wikimedia Foundation partner to increase knowledge equity online

From our beginning, Wikipedia has aspired to create a world where knowledge is free, accessible and useful to everyone, in every language, in every country, and across any device. Although the volunteers who make Wikipedia possible have made great strides towards achieving this vision, we’re still a long way from getting there. They say Rome….

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Michael Kim, investor and civic leader, joins the Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board

Michael Kim—the founder and Managing Partner of Cendana Capital, an investment firm focused on early stage venture capital, and former trustee of the Asian Art Museum and San Francisco Employee Retirement System—has been appointed to the Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board. Michael joins Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, venture capitalist Annette Campbell-White, philanthropist and professor Peter Baldwin, and business leader Niels….

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Annette Campbell-White named to the Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board

Annette Campbell-White, a successful venture capitalist and longtime supporter of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects, is joining the new Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board as its second founding member after Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. “Wikipedia stands alone in the online world, providing information and knowledge to anyone, anywhere, without cost. As a reference and educational tool,….

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