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Rubble from flattened buildings. In the background, buildings are standing but clearly damaged. Rubble from flattened buildings. In the background, buildings are standing but clearly damaged.

URGENT: All Gifts Matched 5X!

CARE works globally to provide food, health supplies, and warm clothing to families in crisis. Please give now!

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Here’s how you can help!

From advocacy, to letter writing, donating money, volunteering and more, there are many ways you can help.

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Help those who are enduring conflict and hunger worldwide.

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Worldwide, 1.2 billion people live in absolute poverty. Most of them are women and girls. You can change that.

Learn how to become an advocate

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When you give to CARE, you fight against the barriers that women and girls face every day.

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Here’s how you can help!

From advocacy, to letter writing, donating money, volunteering and more, there are many ways you can help.

Give a Gift

Help those who are enduring conflict and hunger worldwide.

Donate today

Speak Out! Advocate for CARE

Worldwide, 1.2 billion people live in absolute poverty. Most of them are women and girls. You can change that.

Learn how to become an advocate

Become a Monthly Donor

When you give to CARE, you fight against the barriers that women and girls face every day.

Start donating today

For more than 75 years, CARE has led the way to a better life for millions of vulnerable people around the world.

save lives,
defeat poverty,
achieve social justice,
and fight for women and girls.

Here’s how we fight poverty.

CARE tackles poverty from multiple angles. See how we focus our efforts in the fight against poverty.

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