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This Scots edeetion wis shapit on 23rd Juin 2005. We hae 35,222 airticles the nou.
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Robert Burns (25 Januar 1759 in Allowa, Ayrshire21 Julie 1796 in Dumfries), cried Robbie or Rabbie Burns forby, is the naitional poet o Scotland. He scrieved in Scots, wi some Inglis influence whiles. He is weel-kent as the naitional makar o Scotland, an his wark is celebratit athort the warld. Athort the warld he is the best kent o the mony makars that haes wrocht in the Scots leid, tho he screived mony poems in Inglis forby, an in a kin o licht Scots that can be easy read by fowk nae sae acquent wi Scots, within an furth o Scotland. Burns is aften regairdit as a pioneer o the Romantic Muivement, an efter his deith he becam a symbol an important springheid o inspiration tae the foonders o baith Leiberalism an Socialism. He haes become a cultural icon o Scotland, baith in Scotland itsel an amang Scots that haes flittit tae fremmit airts.

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