Jetpack Manage

Monitor client site security & performance in one place

Get notified immediately if a site needs attention, ensuring your time is managed effectively, and your clients remain happy.

Whether you manage a few sites or upwards of 1,000 sites, Jetpack Manage will help automate your client site management.

Take a walkthrough of Jetpack Manage

Save time managing client security & performance in one place

Jetpack Manage was created to give you a bird’s eye view of your clients’ site security and performance. Get alerts immediately if a client site needs attention. Save time and keep your clients happy.

  • Manage Jetpack across your client sites in a single place
  • Instant notifications when a site needs attention
  • Easy to understand traffic light issue warning system
  • Comprehensive filtering and search
  • Favorite client sites that need more attention, so you can keep a closer eye on them
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Ensure your clients’ sites are open for business

Store downtime means lost business. Easily enable downtime monitoring across all client sites and get notified immediately if a site is down.

  • Easily enable or pause monitoring across all sites
  • Notifications via email and mobile push notifications
  • Choose from multiple downtime check frequencies, starting at 5 minutes
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See more detail without leaving the dashboard

The expanded information view gives you more data at a glance, and you can take action immediately with one click.

  • View details about the latest site backup
  • View quick traffic insights for the past 7 days
  • View site uptime stats for the past 20 days
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Manage client sites from anywhere

Jetpack Manage is mobile-optimized, so you can monitor and take action on your client’s sites on your smartphone or tablet.

  • Works on any mobile device
  • No mobile app required
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Update plugins in one-click

Updating plugins for each site is cumbersome and time-consuming. Update them across each site in one click, or update specific plugins within Jetpack Manage.

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Our developers use VaultPress Backup all the time. It’s a one-click way to return to where we were before things got wonky. It gives us a little emergency parachute so if we’re working on a customization that breaks everything, we lose minutes, not hours.

Ben Giordano Founder,

Read more about how FreshySites uses VaultPress Backup to protect 1,200 WordPress sites

Whether you manage a few sites or upwards of 1,000 sites, Jetpack Manage will help automate your client site management.

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