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Funds raised US$482,873,491
Nets funded 231,767,720
People protected 417,181,896
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Additional updates are shown here.

AMF is hiring - Junior and Senior Operations Managers

AMF is recruiting for two roles, a Junior and a Senior Operations Manager.

Senior Operations Manager

This role will lead on several of AMF’s programmes, including in countries where AMF is distributing nets for the first time. They will work closely with NMCPs, in country partners, AMF independent monitors, the AMF Operations and Technology teams to ensure the success of AMF distributions.

The role will include involvement in all stages of a distribution campaign (pre-agreement, net procurement, post-agreement, during distribution, and post distribution) across two main areas:

  1. Work with National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCPs)
  2. Work with AMF’s independent monitoring partners

Senior role: Job description and details of how to apply

Junior Operations Manager

This individual will play an important role as a key member of the support the Operations team across all of AMF’s programmes, including in countries where AMF is distributing nets for the first time.

The role will include involvement in all stages of a distribution campaign (pre-agreement, net procurement, post-agreement, during distribution, and post distribution) with a focus on two areas:

  1. Campaign monitoring
  2. Post distribution monitoring

The Junior Operations Manager will lead on independent monitoring work, for both of the above activities, and will work closely with the Operations team lead for each country.

This would be an excellent first job for someone just out of university or someone moving after their first employment.

Junior role: Job description and details of how to apply

AMF is hiring - Donations Administrator

AMF is recruiting a Donations Administrator to work either three, four or five days per week. A three day role would typically involve working Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with other schedules on occasions.

This is a crucial role at AMF as this work is at the heart of managing the donations we receive which allows us to share with donors the specific impact of each donation they make.

The Donations Administrator will record and reconcile the daily donations made to AMF via various methods; online, bank transfer and cheques, across its global portfolio. They will manage interactions with donors and other organisations as well as undertaking data cleaning or analysis/investigation. Responsibilities may also include manging aspects of our accounting system and financial reporting.

The right candidate would be very comfortable working with numbers, would enjoy the detailed nature of financial bookkeeping work (although no specific financial knowledge is required), is entirely comfortable working at a computer for the majority of their working day, and would be excited to do this for an organisation whose focus is savings lives.

Skills and experience

  • Enjoys working with numbers, detail, spreadsheets
  • Previous donation or financial management - possibly bookkeeping
  • Excellent spreadsheet skills - manipulating data and financial mathematics
  • Good IT skills - Word, Excel and also web-based systems
  • Very good written communication and people skills
  • Outstanding attention to detail
  • Able to focus on detail whilst retaining the bigger picture

Job description and details of how to apply

AMF (France) established with tax-deductible status for donors in France

We are delighted to report that AMF (France) is now a registered charity in France with tax-deductible status for those tax resident in France.

This status is effective 22nd June 2022 so any donations made to AMF on or after that date can be considered tax-deductible by the donor.

Note: All online donations from French residents are automatically considered to be to AMF (France) and an acknowledgement sent with a link to a downloadable tax receipt. For those wishing to make donations by bank transfer or cheque, the relevant bank account and address information can be found on our donations page, and tax receipts are sent on request.

AMF is hiring - Software Engineers

Our activities and commitments have grown over time and AMF is now the world's third largest funder of nets. In the coming years, we expect to buy and distribute between 25 and 50 million nets per year. As a result, AMF is adding to the technology team and is now seeking exceptional candidates for the role of junior or senior Software Engineer, specialising in .Net 6+, C# and SQL Server, with 3 or 5+ years of experience, respectively.

Reporting to AMF's Head of Technology, and working closely with all other members of the AMF team, the successful candidate will have the following skills and experience:


  • .Net 6+, C#, Razor pages, SQL Server; competence level: excellent; likely years’ experience: 3 to 5
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Responsive design
  • Strong analytical capabilities – for both website functionality and database design
  • Able to react quickly to any critical issues which may arise
  • Able to focus on detail whilst retaining the bigger picture
  • Project/time management skills, self‐motivated with the ability to work to deadlines
  • Strong communication skills at both a technical and non‐technical level
Additional skills
  • Knowledge of non-web coding – i.e. console apps, desktop apps, web services – which may be required to support the site or back‐office users
  • Knowledge and experience of source-control solutions (specifically Git)
  • Sone Python and Jupyter notebooks experience for initial analysis and preparation of data would also be beneficial
  • Awareness of social media platforms and how to best integrate/exploit them
  • Fluency in French would be desirable

The successful candidate is likely to be in the UK/Europe/Africa time zones.

Job description and details of how to apply
Junior Role
Senior Role

AMF agrees to fund 5.7 million nets for distribution in South Sudan in Q1 2023

AMF has agreed to fund 5.7 million nets for distribution in South Sudan with the distribution scheduled for December 2022 to April 2023. These nets fill the funding gap and aim to achieve 100% coverage across 53 counties in seven states protecting 10.3 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

South Sudan is affected year-round by malaria and these nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness.

These nets could be expected to prevent 2,500 to 3,000 deaths, avert 2 to 3 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of South Sudan. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, as a result of AMF’s commitment would be about USD135 million.

We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.

The distributions will be implemented by the NMCP (National Malaria Control Programme) and other partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.

Key elements of our agreement include:

  1. AMF is funding 5,700,000 LLINs, with distribution in 2023
  2. This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by the Global Fund
  3. To support accurate data gathering, re-checks of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random.
  4. Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF’s Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
  5. Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.

This is the first time we have provided malaria control support to South Sudan, which represents a challenging operating environment. The accountability items in the agreement, along with strong partnerships with the NMCP, distribution and co-funding partners will be key to ensuring a successful distribution.

Further information is available via the dedicated South Sudan 2023 distribution page.

AMF agrees to fund 10.2 million nets for distribution in Nigeria in 2023

AMF has agreed to fund 10.2 million nets for distribution in three states, Plateau, Zamfara and Benue, in Nigeria. The distributions are scheduled for February, August and November 2023. These nets aim to achieve 100% coverage across all three provinces, protecting 18 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

Nigeria is one of the two most malarious countries in the world with malaria responsible for the deaths of at least 150 children under 5 each day in Nigeria alone, with high incidence levels seen across the large majority of the country.

These nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness. This initial quantity of nets could be expected to prevent 6,200 deaths, 3 to 6 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of Nigeria. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, would be about USD 240 million.

We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.

The distributions will be implemented by the National Malaria Elimination Programme of Nigeria and state partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.

Key elements of our agreement include:

  1. AMF is funding 10,200,000 LLINs, with distribution in 2023
  2. This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by the US’s President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)
  3. To support accurate data gathering, re-checks of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random.
  4. Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF’s Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
  5. Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.

Further information is available via the dedicated province pages below.

Plateau, Zamfara and Benue

800,000th donation received, US$460,000,000 raised and 400 million people able to be protected - Thank you for your support!

We are delighted and grateful to be able to share that we have recently gone past several milestones - our 800,000th donation received, US$460,000,000 raised and a total of 400 million protected once we have distributed all the nets we can now fund.

Most donations range from a few dollars - and GBP, EUR, CND, NZD, AUD, YEN, BTC, ETH and more - to many thousands, with occasional large and very large donations. These donations have come from donors in 193 countries.

We publish and keep up to date in real-time our overall funding gap, which remains significant and is likely to be so over the coming few years so donations are put to work straight away.

As has always been the case, every US$2 matters as that buys a net that protects two people when they sleep at night, so we are incredibly grateful for your support for, and generosity to, AMF in helping achieve these milestones.

If ever I or the team at AMF can answer any questions, please do let us know. (Yes, I have a question). Thank you!

AMF agrees to fund 6.8 million nets for distribution in Chad in Q1 2023

AMF has agreed to fund 6.8 million nets for distribution in Chad with the distribution scheduled for January to April 2023. These nets aim to achieve 100% coverage across 12 provinces protecting 12.3 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

This is the first time we have provided malaria control support to Chad.

Chad is affected year-round by malaria and these nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness.

These nets could be expected to prevent 7,000 to 9,000 deaths, 5 to 9 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of Chad. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, as a result of AMF’s commitment would be about USD163 million.

We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.

The distributions will be implemented by the PNLP (Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme) and other partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.

Key elements of our agreement include:

  1. AMF is funding 6,800,000 LLINs, with distribution in 2023
  2. This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by the Global Fund
  3. To support accurate data gathering, re-checks of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random.
  4. Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF’s Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
  5. Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.

Further information is available via the dedicated Chad 2023 distribution page.

AMF is hiring - Head of Analytics

Our activities and commitments have grown over time and AMF is now the world's third largest funder of nets. In the coming years, we expect to buy and distribute between 25 and 50 million nets per year. As a result, we wish to add talent to our operations team.

The Head of Analytics will join the five-person operations team and be involved in all aspects of AMF’s operations. S/he will work closely with the Operations Director and have both general and specific responsibilities.

General: Manage analysis across a range of topics by applying a rigorous and analytical approach, presenting information clearly and designing new systems where necessary. All analysis will be driven by AMF’s goal to reduce malaria.

Specific: Lead a number of projects that reflect priority areas at AMF, working alongside the Operations Director. These areas include malaria case rate and prevalence data, net performance, insecticide resistance and use of GPS data during data collection.

Other responsibilities will be added over time as the individual and role develops.

Further information in the attached document.

We are looking for someone who has strong analytical skills, strong interpersonal and intellectual skills, who works collaboratively in a team and relishes responsibility and the opportunity to learn and develop their abilities. The ideal candidate will be motivated to help improve the lives of those affected by the wider impacts of malaria.


  • Strong, demonstrated analytical ability
  • A self-starter with excellent organisational skills and the ability to work independently and manage working time effectively
  • Excellent interpersonal skills to build and maintain strong working relationships
  • An interest in driving efficiency through procedure changes and the use of technology
  • Strong Excel skills
  • Fluent English

Desirable (but not required)

  • Fluent French
  • Malaria knowledge or background in malaria prevention or other global health campaigns
  • Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation, including statistical methods, sampling design etc.
  • SQL experience

Initial salary: £50,000 to £65,000, depending on experience

The successful candidate is likely to be in the UK/Europe/Africa time zones.

Job description and details of how to apply.

2021 Round up and update - Thank you for your support!

As 2021 draws to a close we would like to thank all who have supported and worked with AMF this year as without donors, distribution partners, volunteers and pro bono supporters we would not be able to do what we do in contributing to the fight against malaria. Thank you!

It has been an extraordinary and difficult year for so many as we have all had to deal with the impact of COVID, giving us another reminder of how the world is so interconnected and we need to look out for each other.

Distributions update

In the last 12 months we have completed the distribution of 36.3 million nets to protect 65.3 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo and Uganda.

In the next four months we will complete the distribution of 20.6 million nets to protect 37.1 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea and Nigeria.

For 2022 and 2023, we have allocated and committed funding for 82.3 million nets that will protect a further 148 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and one other country (to be announced shortly when the agreement is signed).

This is all thanks to you and the generosity and caring you have shown for people who live many thousands of miles away from you.

We work with many distribution partners and other independent monitoring partners, all of whom have done a wonderful job of adapting processes to ensure that net distributions are maintained throughout the pandemic.

In addition, we are carrying out, with other partners, post-distribution monitoring activities to assess net presence, use and condition, in all the countries in which we have previously distributed nets.

Future distributions

There remains a huge need for nets. The gap for the next two years runs into tens of millions of nets. AMF is in discussion with a number of countries requiring millions of nets each for the period 2022 and 2023. We publish AMF's immediate funding gap which is kept up to date in real-time as funds are received and opportunities added. For the 2024 to 2026 period, for which commitments will be sought from AMF starting in 2022, planning has started and the funding gap looks very large. COVID has not helped this.

740,000th donation and over US$425 million raised so far!

We are thrilled to have passed these totals, with most donations ranging from a few $, £, €, CAN$, NZ$, AUS$, bitcoin and more - to many thousands.

We are so grateful for your support. Thank you!


We now have tax-deductible status in a dozen countries. Recently added has been Switzerland with the establishing of Against Malaria (Schweiz). We continue to assess the need for tax-deductibility status in other countries, some of which are in the application stage.

AMF top ranked!

AMF has again been top-ranked by the two leading organisations 'dedicated to finding outstanding giving opportunities'.

GiveWell has ranked AMF a top charity, for the thirteenth year running. AMF is the only organisation to have been ranked every year in this way. GiveWell has been a terrific supporter of our work and we thank their team for their continuous and thorough assessment of our work and the improvements to what we do that have resulted from their reviews and suggestions.
The Life You Can Save has AMF as a top-ranked charity for the tenth year in a row. TLYCS and their team has equally been a stalwart supporter and their work and recommendations have led to tens of thousands of lives being saved.

A suggestion for the Christmas/Holiday season!

Donate nets instead of gifts.

We send the recipient/s an email (on a date you choose e.g. 25th Dec) with your personal message and a link to their 'gift page', allowing them to follow the progress of their nets.

May we wish you a very happy and healthy 2022!

The AMF Team - Rob, Andrew, Peter, Julian, Jenny, Shaun, Aisling, Sylvie and Jonas

Cryptocurrencies accepted by AMF expanded

AMF is now able to accept donations in the following cryptocurrencies:

  • BTC - Bitcoin
  • BCH - Bitcoin Cash (or BitCash)
  • ETH - Ether
  • XRP - XRP
  • DOGE - Dogecoin
  • LTC - Litecoin
  • SHIB - Shiba Inu

Donate cryptocurrency

Please feel free to let us know

  • if there are cryptocurrencies you think we should accept
  • if you have suggestions as to how we should be accepting cryptocurrencies i.e. which platforms and intermediaries

We are always looking at what we accept, and how.

'Double Up Drive' - Exciting update: per donor limit increased to $20,000!

For information

The Double Up Drive team has just increased the per donor limit for donations to be matched to $20,000.

This is the limit for those who have not yet donated. It also means that those that have already donated are able, should they wish, to donate an additional amount to take their overall total to this new total.

Quick link: https://doubleupdrive.org/donate/

Donation details and information on the original blogpost.

We are delighted to say that the Double Up Drive is proving very successful for AMF and many thousands of additional nets are being funded. We are immensely grateful to all donors participating and to the Double Up Drive team for their incredible generosity and hard work in making this all happen.

'Double Up Drive' - Very generous matching donations to AMF!

For information

If you are considering donating to AMF very soon, there is the possibility your donation could be doubled if you make it via the Double Up Drive.

AMF has been chosen as one of very few charities and there is a matching pot of US$2.6 million.

  • Maximum of US$10,000 per donor per charity.
  • There is no limit to how many people can donate to AMF
  • Likely that the matching pot will still be active until 7-10 December (we will post an update here and on social media)
  • To be sure/maximise the chances of a match to your donation, the earlier the donation is made from now (30Nov) the better
  • If you donate, please do 'opt in' at Double-Up for your details to be shared with AMF as then we (AMF) can email you a link to show you where your nets will be distributed. Note: We do not add you to a list and we do not send soliciting emails.

Donations are matched on a 'first come, first matched' basis until the matching pot is used up. There is no downside in donating via them, only an upside.

For US donors

Simply visit www.doubleupdrive.org/donate

For donors outside the US

To participate in the Match Drive and ensure your donations qualify for tax-deductible outside the US, please follow these instructions from Double Up Drive:

  • Step 1: Visit Double Up Drive’s page for international donors and follow the steps on the page.
  • Step 2: Complete and submit the form provided on the page.
  • Step 3: Wait for Double Up Drive’s team to contact you, confirm your eligibility and provide further instructions about how to complete your donation (via email, within 24 hours) info@doubleupdrive.org (you may wish to add it to your contacts now)
  • Step 4: Make your donation directly using the instructions provided by Double Up Drive
  • Step 5: Forward the appropriate tax receipt(s) for your donation to Double Up Drive (via the same correspondent who contacted you about your eligibility)

AMF's immediate funding gap, November 2021

As we head towards the end of the year, AMF's current immediate funding gap stands at US$77.8 million.

This is the funding we could put to work immediately to protect people when they sleep at night to save lives and prevent illness from malaria.

We have sufficient funds raised to cover our central costs and all net distributions to which we have previously committed.

The immediate funding gap reflects the great potential impact AMF could have with further funds. All publicly raised funds are used exclusively to buy nets.

In past years we have received several significant grants around this time of year that have helped to reduce our funding gap. We hope and expect to receive significant grants this year too, but our funding gap has never gone to zero - we have always had a gap of tens of millions of dollars, and we expect to have a significant funding gap this year too after any large donations.

AMF's immediate funding gap page shows
  • a summary: funds in hand able to be committed, funds committed, funds available to be committed, AMF approved programmes seeking funding, the resulting immediate funding gap and programmes we are currently discussing for future distributions
  • detail: project level information for a) funds committed (both for nets and monitoring costs); b) AMF approved programmes seeking funding

Information is updated 'real-time' i.e. as donations are received, costs are posted and commitments made so it is always up to date.

AMF is hiring an Operations Manager

Our activities and commitments have grown over time and AMF is now the world's third largest funder of nets. In the coming years, we expect to buy and distribute between 25 and 50 million nets per year. As a result, we wish to add talent to our operations.

The Operations Manager will join the five person operations team and be involved in all aspects of AMF’s operations. S/he will work closely with the Head of Analytics and the Operations Director and have both general and specific responsibilities.

General: Operations support and analysis

The Operations Manager will assist with a wide range of activities, including day-to-day operational matters, and longer term analysis.

Specific: Net management, Decision-related data analysis

Net management: Primary responsibility within the team to ensure that AMF nets are procured, tested, inspected, shipped, transported to their final destination in a timely fashion; and for all associated systems and reporting.

Decision-related data analysis: malaria case rate data, net performance data and insecticide resistance data are generated or gathered and analysed to support key operational decisions.

Other responsibilities will be added over time as the individual and role develops.

Further information in the attached document.

We are looking for someone who has strong analytical skills, strong interpersonal and intellectual skills, who works collaboratively in a team and relishes responsibility and the opportunity to learn and develop their abilities. The ideal candidate will be motivated to help improve the lives of those affected by the wider impacts of malaria.


  • Strong, demonstrated analytical ability
  • A self-starter with excellent organisational skills and the ability to work independently and manage working time effectively
  • Excellent interpersonal skills to build and maintain strong working relationships
  • An interest in driving efficiency through procedure changes and the use of technology
  • Strong Excel skills
  • Fluent English
Desirable (but not required)
  • Fluent French
  • Experience working with large datasets
  • Some logistics experience

No prior operations experience is necessary.

Location: Remote working (all the AMF team work remotely) within Africa/UK/Europe time zones.

Job description and details of how to apply.

AMF is hiring - Software Engineer

Our activities and commitments have grown over time and AMF is now the world's third largest funder of nets. In the coming years, we expect to buy and distribute between 25 and 50 million nets per year. As a result, AMF is adding to the technology team and is now seeking exceptional candidates for the role of Software Engineer, specialising in .Net 5+, C#, VB and SQL Server.

Reporting to AMF's Head of Technology, and working closely with all other members of the AMF team, the successful candidate will have the following skills and experience:


  • .Net 5, C#, ASP.Net, VB.Net, SQL Server; competence level: excellent; likely years’ experience: 5
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Responsive design
  • Strong analytical capabilities – for both website functionality and database design
  • Able to react quickly to any critical issues which may arise
  • Able to focus on detail whilst retaining the bigger picture
  • Project/time management skills, self‐motivated with the ability to work to deadlines
  • Strong communication skills at both a technical and non‐technical level
Additional skills
  • Knowledge of non-web coding – i.e. console apps, desktop apps, web services – which may be required to support the site or back‐office users
  • Knowledge and experience of source-control solutions (specifically Git)
  • Python and Jupyter notebooks experience for initial analysis and preparation of data would also be beneficial
  • Some experience of .Net Core, C# for future use
  • Awareness of social media platforms and how to best integrate/exploit them
  • Fluency in French would be desirable

The successful candidate is likely to be in the UK/Europe/Africa time zones.

Job description and details of how to apply.

AMF (Switzerland) established with tax-deductible status for donors in Switzerland

We are delighted to report that AMF (Switzerland) is now a registered charity in Switzerland with tax-deductible status for Swiss donors.

This status is effective 15th October 2021 so any donations made to AMF on or after that date can be considered tax-deductible by the donor.

Note: All online donations from Swiss residents are automatically considered to be to AMF (Switzerland) and an acknowledgement sent with a link to a downloadable tax receipt. For those wishing to make donations by bank transfer or cheque, the relevant bank account and address information can be found on our donations page, and tax receipts are sent on request.

AMF agrees to fund 3.1 million nets for distribution in Guinea in Q1/Q2 2022

AMF has agreed to fund 3.1 million nets for distribution in Guinea with the distribution scheduled for early 2022. These nets aim to achieve 100% coverage across 15 prefectures in four regions, Boké, Conakry, Labé and Kindia, protecting 5.1 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

This distribution is a continuation of our support to the Ministry of Health and National Malaria Control Programme in Guinea, whom we supported in 2019 when we funded 4.8 million nets.

Guinea is affected year round by malaria and these nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness.

These nets could be expected to prevent 3,000 to 4,000 deaths, 2 to 4 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of Guinea. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, would be about USD75 million.

We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.

The distributions will be implemented by the PNLP (Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme) and other partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.

Key elements of our agreement include:

  1. AMF is funding 3,095,550 LLINs, with distribution in 2022
  2. This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by the US’s President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)
  3. To support accurate data gathering, re-checks of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random.
  4. Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF’s Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
  5. Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.

Further information is available via the dedicated Guinea 2022 distribution page.

AMF agrees to fund 8.1 million nets for distribution in Nigeria in early 2022

AMF has agreed to fund 3.7 million nets for distribution in Akwa Ibom, and expects to fund 4.4m nets for distribution in Bauchi subject to a review of in-country planning. The distributions are scheduled for early 2022. These nets aim to achieve 100% coverage across both provinces, protecting 15 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

We have established a further need for 10.2 million nets to protect 18 million people to be distributed in three states in 2023 and have agreed the processes in these states and wish to formally commit as soon as possible, but need to raise the funding.

The benefits of being able to commit as soon as possible to funding nets that will be distributed in Nigeria in 2023 are significant.

It allows our co-funding partner, the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI), to bring forward to 2023, three distributions that would otherwise take place in 2024. This would mean the time between the last mass net distribution and the next in these three states would be three years and not four or five. This is very important for effective malaria control as it removes the fourth year period when net coverage levels can be very low and malaria can resurge, potentially undoing all the gains in malaria control achieved over the prior three years.

Nigeria is one of the two most malarious countries in the world with malaria responsible for the deaths of at least 150 children under 5 each day in Nigeria alone, with high incidence levels seen across the large majority of the country.

These nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness. This initial quantity of nets could be expected to prevent 5,000 deaths, 3 to 5 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of Nigeria. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, would be about USD 195 million.

We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.

The distributions will be implemented by the National Malaria Elimination Programme of Nigeria and state partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.

Key elements of our agreement include:

  1. AMF is funding 8,100,000 LLINs, with distribution in 2022
  2. This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by the US’s President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)
  3. To support accurate data gathering, re-checks of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random.
  4. Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF’s Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
  5. Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.

Further information is available via the dedicated province pages below.

Akwa Ibom, Bauchi

USD 100 million raised this year, immediate funding gap of USD 41 million

US$100m raised this (financial) year!

We are thrilled to have passed a significant milestone for AMF with US$100 million raised in a single year for the first time!

Our heartfelt thanks to all our donors and supporters who in many cases have been supporting AMF year in year out, and some for 15 years. We are extraordinarily grateful for your support and for your confidence in our work. We cannot do what we do without you.

We remain a small team – of nine – and this year our overheads will be ~0.5% of revenues so more than 99% of funds raised are spent on programmes. Our overheads and programme monitoring costs are covered by several donors so we remain able to direct 100% of funds from the public to buy nets.

The distribution programmes we have been able to fund with these donations involve 46 million nets that will protect 83 million people. These nets can be expected to save 30,000 to 35,000 lives, avert 15 to 35 million cases of malaria and improve local economies by more than US$1 billion. When people are ill they cannot farm, drive, teach – function, so the improvement in health leads to economic as well as humanitarian benefits.

AMF’s operations team works daily and closely with our partners in six countries to support the programmes and ensure they are carried out accountably and with a particular focus on data.

Current immediate funding gap

We continue to have a significant immediate funding gap, currently US$41.7m, which is likely to increase in the months ahead, so we remain focused on working to close as much of the gap as we can, as soon as we can.

Every US$2 matters

In filling that funding gap, every US$2 matters as each net protects two people when they sleep at night so no donation is too small.

It is notable that the funds raised so far this year have come from more than 120,000 donations from donors in 189 countries with most being in the range US$2 to US$200. The overall range of individual donations is US$2 to US$20m.

As always, our sincere thanks from the team to everyone for their wonderful support and generosity.

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