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There are many ways to donate to Mental Health America of Northwest Indiana. However you choose to give, please know that we are grateful for your partnership and every investment made in our programs. Funds received and gifts received are invested directly into Northwest Indiana to support our mission. Donations help defray operational and programmatic costs, providing a continuum of service to NWI families.

Corporate Giving

Corporate sponsorships are available and come with generous benefits, including the option to participate in our Wellness Works program, invitation to present a lunch & learn to MHA staff, social media and e-newsletter acknowledgments, event perks, and more. For more information, click the link below or call (219) 937-7733 x 160 for custom options. We look forward to working with you! For a list of current sponsors, click here.

Individual Giving

To make a monetary donation, donate online now by credit card or through our donation page at; or send your check made payable to Mental Health America of NWI to 5311 Hohman Avenue, Hammond, IN 46320.

Wish List Items

Families participating in our programs can shop at our monthly Family Depot with baby bucks they earn each visit by completing a home visit, attending a parenting workshop, keeping well-child visits/immunizations, gaining employment, completing a semester of school/college, and other quality of life actions. Please visit our Amazon Wish List to send new item donations directly to MHANWI. To donate gently used items please give us a call today at (219) 937-7733 x200.

New or Gently Used Items

  • Board books for infants and toddlers
  • Clothing up to size 5 (for hygiene purposes, please launder all clothing)
  • Maternity clothes
  • Socks up to size 5


Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in volunteering at MHANWI please email Development Manager, Brittany Williams at!

  • Event Support – Volunteer to help with several events each year; help is needed for setup, decorating, teardown, serving food, and/or working game/other stations; volunteers also help secure donations/silent auction items for various events!
  • Sharing Closet – Volunteer to sort and organize donations of clothes, diapers, food, formula, and more received at 3 MHANWI locations; donations are provided free to the families we serve. You can also promote and secure donations!
  • Family Depot – Work at our one time a month Family Depot event, helping families sign in and secure earned baby items to care for their families in exchange for incentive vouchers earned!
  • Social Media Influencer – Champion the mission of MHANWI on social media! If you love our mission, like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to volunteer from the comfort of your phone! Share our posts and stay involved in the great things happening at MHANWI!
  • Other? Have a special interest or skill you’d like to share with us? Contact us today!

Gifts to Mental Health America of Northwest Indiana are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Please consult with your tax advisor.