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Department asking for public comment on new plan for dedication of excess surplus to community health reinvestment.
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Karima M. Woods, Commissioner of the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (“Department”), hereby gives notice of the Department’s intent to hold a public hearing on the results of its actuarial review of the 2024 proposed health insurance rates for individual and small group health benefits plans sold in the District of Columbia. The Department will receive testimony from the public before the Department makes a final determination to approve the proposed rates. The virtual hearing (see link below) will be held at 5:30 pm on Thursday, August 24, 2023.
The Department invites the public to testify or submit written testimony. Any person or organization wishing to testify at the hearing should contact the Department via email at [email protected] by 5 pm on Monday, August 21, 2023, to have their names added to the witness list. The witness list will go in order of receipt of signups, and witnesses will have three minutes to present their oral testimony. Each witness should provide their name, telephone number, email address, organizational affiliation (if any) and title (if any). Written statements should be sent no later than 5 pm on Monday, August 21, 2023, to the email address above.
If a party or witness is deaf, has a hearing impairment, or otherwise cannot readily understand or communicate in English, the party may submit a request to the Department for the appointment of a qualified interpreter at the hearing. To request special accommodations, contact the Department at [email protected] by 5 pm on Monday, August 14, 2023.
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