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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)

Play a Sequence


Rate (quarter-notes/min, 1-4096):
Volume (1-127):
Attack velocity (1-127):
Release velocity (1-127):
Pitch modulus (1-128):
Pitch offset (0-128):
Duration modulus (1-5):
Duration offset (0-5):
Sequence cutoff (set to 0 to hear full entry):


Comments. This page, written by David Applegate, produces a MIDI file for the sequence using the settings shown.
Changing the A-number in the first window will play a different sequence (although it will not change the page heading).
Pitch modulus + pitch offset should be < 129, duration modulus + duration offset should be < 6.

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Last modified April 8 05:43 EDT 2023. Contains 361831 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)