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Artgemeinschaft Germanic Faith Community
Artgemeinschaft Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft
AbbreviationAG GGG
LeaderJürgen Rieger (1989–2009)
FounderWilhelm Kusserow
NewspaperNordische Zeitung
Esoteric Nazism
Political positionFar-right
ReligionGermanic Neopaganism

The Artgemeinschaft Germanic Faith Community (German: Artgemeinschaft Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft; abbreviated AG GGG) is a German Neopagan[1] and Neo-Nazi[2] organization[3] founded in 1951 by Wilhelm Kusserow, a former member of the SS. In 1983, it merged with the Nordungen (founded 1924). From 1989 to 2009, it was headed by Jürgen Rieger.[4]

The group has the legal status of a German registered Association ("eingetragener Verein") based in Berlin.


Artgemeinschaft mixes far-right ideology with Nordic and Teutonic religions such as Ásatrú, but also elements of atheism.[5] In the 1960s some theosophic and so called ariosophic aspects were added.

The weltanschauung of the party is xenophobic and antisemitic.[5] A belief of the party is Artgemeinschaft (loosely translated as "racial community"), a basic tenet of which is the Artglaube ("racial belief").

In contrast to other pagan organisations, neither Guido von List nor Lanz von Liebenfels plays any role.[6]

Important in their beliefs are theses by Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Eduard von Hartmann and Feuerbach in order to attack Christian moral and to replace it with a pagan one. According to Fromm, belief in Gods is not an important momentum for the Artgemeinschaft.[7]

One symbol used by Artgemeinschaft is an eagle catching a Christian fish, known as "Adler fängt Fisch" or "Adler fängt Ichthys", which symbolises the rejection of Christianity. It was registered as a trademark for the group in 2003, leading to neo-Nazis in Germany using the symbol afterwards. In 2012, this influenced the decision to reject a new coat of arms for the district of Mecklenburgische Seenplatte.

Membership and media[edit]

Membership is regulated according to racial criteria; only "northern born" people may become members. The members belong to different currents of the far-right, from militant neo-fascists to representatives of the Neue Rechte (New Right).[8] The French theoretician of the New Right Pierre Krebs is member of Artgemeinschaft as well as the right-wing author Claus Nordbruch. Stephan Ernst, the murderer of politician Walter Lübcke was a member of Artgemeinschaft until 2011.[9]

The AG GGG publishes the völkisch Nordische Zeitung.[10]


The Niedersachsen state office for the protection of the constitution named Artgemeinschaft in connection to right-wing settlement movements in Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg Vorpommern.[11]


"The Artgemeinschaft is one of the toughest structures in the extreme right-wing. It doesn't shut itself off from right-wing terrorism at all. The 'Artgemeinschaft' runs under the label of nature-religiousness and ancestral commemoration. But the 'Artgemeinschaft' is actually one of the most conspiratorial - and I would say - most dangerous structures that we have in Germany", said right-wing extremism expert Andrea Röpke in 2022.[9]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Stefanie von Schnurbein: Göttertrost in Wendezeiten. Neugermanisches Heidentum zwischen New Age und Rechtsradikalismus. Munich 1993, Pg. 46.
  2. ^ Gasper, Müller, Valentin: Lexikon der Sekten, Sondergruppen und Weltanschauungen. Verlag Herder, Freiburg 1990.
  3. ^ Ryan, Nick (2004). Into a World of Hate: A Journey Among the Extreme Right. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-94922-X.
  4. ^ Stefan von Hoyningen-Huene: Religiosität bei rechtsextrem orientierten Jugendlichen. LIT Verlag, 2003, Pg. 62
  5. ^ a b Article by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in North Rhine-Westphalia (German) Archived July 19, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ Rainer Fromm: Brennpunkt Esoterik published by the Hamburg Office for inner affairs "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-05-09. Retrieved 2010-04-12.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  7. ^ Rainer Fromm: Brennpunkt Esoterik published by the Hamburg Office for inner affairs "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-05-09. Retrieved 2010-04-12.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), page 180
  8. ^ Annette Rollmann: "FAP, Freie Kameradschaft, Artgemeinschaft.". Archived from the original on September 19, 2008. Retrieved August 26, 2017. In: Das Parlament. No. 45 / 7 November 2005.
  9. ^ a b "Bundeswehr-Reservisten und ihr rechtsextremes Netzwerk". (in German). Retrieved 2022-01-27.
  10. ^ "Article of the constitutional protection NRW on the side of the Ministry of Interior of NRW". Archived from the original on 2012-01-14. Retrieved 2017-08-26.
  11. ^ Verfassungsschutzbericht 2020, Innenministerium Niedersachsen, Verfassungsschutz, Side 50

External links[edit]