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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)

A001358 as a simple table

n a(n)
1 4
2 6
3 9
4 10
5 14
6 15
7 21
8 22
9 25
10 26
11 33
12 34
13 35
14 38
15 39
16 46
17 49
18 51
19 55
20 57
21 58
22 62
23 65
24 69
25 74
26 77
27 82
28 85
29 86
30 87
31 91
32 93
33 94
34 95
35 106
36 111
37 115
38 118
39 119
40 121
41 122
42 123
43 129
44 133
45 134
46 141
47 142
48 143
49 145
50 146
51 155
52 158
53 159
54 161
55 166
56 169
57 177
58 178
59 183
60 185
61 187


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Last modified September 24 12:42 EDT 2023. Contains 365579 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)