Dual Enrollment/Early College Credit
Enroll in Napa Valley College Courses!
Napa Valley College offers two ways to take courses and start earning college credit before you graduate from high school.
Dual Enrollment / Concurrent Enrollment
- Take courses after school, on the weekend, online, or during the summer.
- Open to all high school students
- Earn high school or college credit.
- Advance your transfer to a 4-year university after attending NVC.
- Ease your transition to college.
High School Articulation / Credit by Exam
Your high school may offer college credit for some high school courses in the Career and Technical fields. Through high school articulation/credit by exam, you can earn college credit while still in high school while also gaining academic knowledge and technical skills for the workforce.
Career Education Pathways
Are you a graduating senior planning to attend NVC? If so, our Career Education Pathways are designed to help you as you begin as a NVC student and transition to career life or transfer to a four-year university.
Additional Opportunities
Services and programs to help you start preparing for your college journey! Complete the Outreach Request Form to request a tour of the NVC campus or a presentation about college programs and services at your school site:
- Cristine Tapia
Manager, Dual Enrollment & Educational Partnerships - (707) 256-7257
- cristine.tapia@napavalley.edu
- Leticia Naranjo
Academic Affairs Specialist - CCAP/High School Articulation - (707) 256-7255
- lnaranjo@napavalley.edu