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Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 2219 (UTC)
Finland becomes member of NATO
Finland becomes member of NATO

April 4, Finland became the 31st member of NATO, ending its decades-long policy of neutrality. Foreign minister Pekka Haavisto handed over the official documents in Brussels to United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

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UK government unveils £8 million initiative to replace late Queen's portrait with King Charles'
UK government unveils £8 million initiative to replace late Queen's portrait with King Charles'

Under a scheme announced April 1 by Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Dowden, public authorities in the United Kingdom would "later this year" be able to request a free portrait of King Charles III to replace those of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

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Manhattan grand jury indicts former United States President Donald Trump
Manhattan grand jury indicts former United States President Donald Trump

On March 30, a Manhattan, New York City grand jury indicted former US President Donald Trump on over 30 criminal counts, the first time in United States history a president has been charged with a crime.

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Russia's FSB arrests US reporter for 'espionage'
Russia's FSB arrests US reporter for 'espionage'

On March 30, a district court in Moscow, Russia ordered US journalist for The Wall Street Journal Evan Gershkovich be held until May 29 pending trial for espionage.

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Russian photographer Viktor Pinchuk presents nude album NUances of fantasy
Russian photographer Viktor Pinchuk presents nude album NUances of fantasy

On March 27, Russian Wikinews attended Russian photo artist Viktor Pinchuk's presentation of his album NUances of fantasy, in the nude genre, at the Crimean Federal University's Scientific Library in Simferopol.

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