
Uut Wikipedia
  • Disse Seelter Weerskup is ju Steede wier wie as Mee-Oarbaidere un Bruukere fon ju seelter Wikipedia mädnunner baale konnen. Wie konnen baale uur aal Seeken, man ap maaste skäl dät wäil gunge uur ju Wikipedia.
    • Rakt dät bestimde Probleme bie dät Moakjen fon Artikkele?
    • Häd me noch jädden n Artikkel uur n bestimd Themoa? -> Kiek ap Siede Projekte.
    • Wäkke Gjuchte skällen wie in Algemeenen nieme, wät ju Oard Artikkele anbeträft?
    Unsowieder, unsowieder. Wan du ne Siede beoarbaidje wolt, dan klik buppe ap ju Siede ap Beoarbaidje un dät Skrieuwen kon ounfange!! Wan du ne näie Siede moakje wolt, dan klik hier. Hääbe man neen Nood !! Wie kriege immer Begjucht deerfon un sunt dan fluks toun Oantwoudjen deer.
  • en: This is the community discussion page. Requests for the bot flag should be made on this page. This wiki uses the standard bot policy, and allows global bots and automatic approval of certain types of bots. Other bots should apply below, and then request access from a steward if there is no objection.

Bar in Bristol.jpg

Allere Seeken[beoarbaidje Wältext]

Allere Subjekte uut de Weerskup fiende sik nu in

Hallo Pyt, Kening Aldgilles, Heinz, Bernd, Holder und alle anderen Aktiven der Saterfriesischen Wikipedia.
Offensichtlich fehlt schon seit längerem ein aktiver Admin, der z.B. Löschanfragen bearbeitet oder die Hauptseite aktuell hält. Auch wenn ich kein Seeltersk spreche, versteh ich doch das meiste und könnte zumindest gelegentlich ein paar Aufräumarbeiten erledigen. Ich bin vor allem auf frrwiki (Nordfriisk, Nordfriesisch) aktiv. Wenn Ihr einverstanden seid, würde ich mich hiermit um die Admin-Rechte bewerben wollen. Bitte gebt doch Eure Meinung dazu ab. Besten Gruß/Hartelk gröötnis --Murma174 (Diskussion) 17:28, 25. Jun 2022 (UTC)Beantworten[Beantworten]

Adding an english summary: The Saterfrisian Wikipedia shows a lack of active admins at the moment. That's why I requested admin access here. I'd like to handle deletion requests and keep the main page up-to-date. I don't speak Saterfrisian, but understand it, and could do some maintenance jobs here. --Murma174 (Diskussion) 10:33, 5. Jul 2022 (UTC)Beantworten[Beantworten]
Voting ends after two weeks: Sat. July 09th --Murma174 (Diskussion) 15:56, 5. Jul 2022 (UTC)Beantworten[Beantworten]
  • Symbol oppose vote.svg Con

Interface admin[beoarbaidje Wältext]

Dear friends, when I asked for adminship, I unfortunately did not ask also for interface adminship. That means, at the moment there is no user on the Saterfrisian Wikipedia with the permission to change or install e.g. Javascript files or edit CSS. See also: Spezial:Statistik. That's why I'm bothering you again with a voting. My suggestion is:
Benutser:Murma174 shall receive the user group right 'interface administrator'.

Voting ends after 1 week: Tue, July 19th . Thanks again --Murma174 (Diskussion) 17:00, 12. Jul 2022 (UTC)Beantworten[Beantworten]
  • Symbol oppose vote.svg Con

WikiCon 2022[beoarbaidje Wältext]

-> w:de:Wikipedia:WikiCon 2022/Anmeldung

[beoarbaidje Wältext]

Hilf bitte mit, in deine Sprache zu übersetzen

We are really sorry for posting in English

Sound Logo Cover Image - Linkedin.png

Voting in the Wikimedia sound logo contest has started. From December 6 to 19, 2022, please play a part and help chose the sound that will identify Wikimedia content on audio devices. Learn more on Diff.

The sound logo team is grateful to everyone who participated in this global contest. We received 3,235 submissions from 2,094 participants in 135 countries. We are incredibly grateful to the team of volunteer screeners and the selection committee who, among others, helped bring us to where we are today. It is now up to Wikimedia to choose the Sound Of All Human Knowledge.

Best wishes, Arupako-WMF (Diskussion) 11:15, 17. Dez 2022 (UTC)Beantworten[Beantworten]

Wikipedy:Parseberjocht - Fyftichtûzen kear Frysk[beoarbaidje Wältext]

- Grif net goed gongen: Gean nei fy:, en dan "Wikipedy:Parseberjocht".

Mysha (Diskussion)

-> w:fy:Wikipedy:Parseberjocht

Global ban for PlanespotterA320/RespectCE[beoarbaidje Wältext]

Per the Global bans policy, I'm informing the project of this request for comment: m:Requests for comment/Global ban for PlanespotterA320 (2) about banning a member from your community. Thank you.--Lemonaka (talk) 21:40, 6 February 2023 (UTC)