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Someone Else's Bucket List

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After the untimely death of her outgoing, hugely successful influencer sister, an introverted woman takes on the terrifying challenge of completing her sister’s bucket list as the world watches, in a bid to save her family—and others—from the crippling medical debt her cancer battle left behind.

My dying wish is for you to finish my bucket list. I refuse to die without knowing this list will be completed. And I refuse to die without knowing my family will be okay . . .

Jodie Boyd is a shy and anxious twenty-something, completely unsure what to do with her life. Her older sister, Bree, is an adventurous, globe-trotting, hugely successful Instagram influencer with more than a million followers. She’s the most alive person Jodie knows—up until Bree’s unfathomable, untimely death from Leukemia. The Boyds are devastated, not to mention overwhelmed with medical debt. But Bree thought of everything—and soon, Jodie is shocked by a new post on her sister’s Instagram feed.

The first of many Bree recorded in secret, the post foretells a jaw-dropping challenge for Jodie: to complete Bree’s very public bucket list. From “Fly over Antarctica,” to “Perform a walk-on cameo in a Broadway musical,” if Jodie does it—and keeps all Bree’s followers—a corporate sponsor will pay off the staggering medical debt. If she gains followers, the Boyds won’t be the only ones to benefit. It’s crazy. It’s terrifying. It’s impossible, immoral even, to refuse. So, despite the whole world watching, Jodie plunges in, never imagining that in death, her sister will teach her how to live, and that the last item on the list—“Fall in love”—may just prove to be the easiest.

352 pages, Paperback

First published May 23, 2023

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Amy T. Matthews

6 books38 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 234 reviews
Profile Image for Terrie  Robinson.
397 reviews588 followers
May 24, 2023

Someone Else's Bucket List by Amy T. Matthews is a Blend of Family and Women's Fiction!

Bree and Jodie Boyd are two twenty-something sisters. Bree, the oldest, is an Instagram influencer with a million plus followers, and younger sister Jodie is currently a quiet, anxiety ridden mess.

Jodie's a mess because Bree, who's full of life and hope, has recently died from Leukemia. Their family is emotionally shattered by Bree's premature death and drowning in the amount of medical debt left behind.

Bree, being the super influencer that she was, made an unbelievable deal with a corporate sponsor, shortly before she died, to pay off her staggering medical debt. After her death, the first of many secretly recorded messages to her family and followers is posted to her Instagram feed announcing a personal challenge to her sister Jodie to finish the final items on her very public Bucket List.

Will Jodie accept Bree's Bucket List challenge while maintaining all of Bree's existing followers, perhaps gaining additional ones, all in the hopes of the corporate sponsor paying off Bree's mountains of medical debt...and then some?

When I started listening to Someone Else's Bucket List, I wasn't sure how I felt about this story. It starts off so sad and takes a good long time to get out from under the clouds of Bree's death. And let's be honest, this story doesn't warrant 15 hours of listening time, so editing was definitely an issue.

Someone Else's Bucket List was narrated by Brenda Scott Wlazlo who, in the beginning, sounds like she's reading the book to me. I believe this to be a reflection of the story and how the character of Jodi is internalizing her grief. The narration does brighten as the story progresses and Jodi's world expands. I was glad for that!

Is Someone Else's Bucket List believable? Absolutely not! With that said, I'm good at suspending belief and it was the family and relationship side of this story that drew me in and kept me listening. Like Jodie, I also lost my older sister within the past month so this turned into the emotional listening I wasn't expecting at first glance.

The many different and unexpected ways Family Fiction connects with the reader is why it remains one of my favorite sub-genres. I recommend Someone Else's Bucket List to readers who also enjoy Family Fiction with touches of Women's Fiction blended in!

Thank you to NetGalley, HighBridge Audio, and Amy T. Matthews for an ALC of this book. It has been an honor to give my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Michelle .
879 reviews1,278 followers
May 26, 2023
I don't think there is anything I can say that will ever do this book the justice it deserves. It was like a balm to my soul. Yes, the grief in these pages is absolutely palpable but so is the love and hope that seeped off the page only to settle deep down in my heart, wrapping it up, making it whole and full of happiness.

Jodie's older sister, Bree, loses her battle with leukemia at only 26 years old. What Jodie and her family don't realize is that Bree made plans that were going to flip their world upside down long after her death. Bree was an Instagram influencer that traveled the world. The more exotic the place the better. Nothing was off limits - cliff jumping, mountain climbing, swimming with whales. Bree had an exuberance for life that just couldn't be contained. Until cancer got the best of her.

Her family is awash in grief. Swallowed by the hole Bree left in her wake. Not to mention they are drowning in debt from Bree's medical care. Bree has made a plan to shake them from their grief and hopefully erase their never-ending debt at the same time. Jodie must finish Bree's bucket list. If she succeeds then Iris Air, a brand she worked with often, will pay their debt in full.

Jodie can't believe it. She's always been the quiet one nursing her anxieties so there is no way she could possibly pull this off. A couple of examples of her bucket list items include: recreate the orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally at Katz's deli and walk on stage during a Broadway performance. Easy peasy, right? Jodie is horrified.

But....she'd do anything for her sister and her family. She is going to have to muster up the courage to pull this off one way or another. And maybe, just maybe, Jodie will discover she is far braver and stronger than she ever thought possible.

Again, this review does not do this book justice. The writing is exquisite and packed full of emotion. I loved these characters. Every single one of them. I had mentioned in an update I made that I have found my fictional family and it's the truth. This family had me right by the heart from the very start. Even Russel Sprout the dog, just be sure keep your shoes away from him! I thought the way the grief was handled in this book was so authentic but so was the deep-rooted love this family had for one another. All the feels. Oh, and just one more thing I'd like to add: #TeamKelly *Swoons* 🔥 5 Brilliant Shining Stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for my complimentary copy.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,128 reviews80 followers
May 29, 2023
This was a wonderful book about grief. And while yes I think I think some parts of the premise seem ghoulish, but honestly when you’ve lost someone so close everything seems ghoulish and it isn’t that far of a stretch of the imagination (I live in America, lack of health care and turning sweet moments into Instagram fodder are rampant here). This was a sweet book in a lot of ways, but it was also hard to read because the emotional pieces were all done realistically. I was so horrified and jealous of the pre-recorded videos for major holidays. If only we all could have that. If this book wasn’t so sad I would call it a rom-com, but overall I still think that’s probably the best fit. Jodie’s influencer sister died after a battle with leukemia and left 6 items off her 100 item bucket list undone (this was quite impressive given her age!). She made a deal with one of her sponsors to sponsor her sister Jodie finishing them and if she does they’ll also pay off Bree’s medical debts. Unfortunately item 100 is fall in love. And what could be more complicated than that?
Profile Image for Got Twins-Need Coffee.
244 reviews53 followers
January 4, 2023
I really enjoyed this book about life, love, family and learning to live again. The idea of honoring your sister and completing her bucket list after she passes away - not just for her but for the family to be out of medical debt and the possibility to help others worked so well in this story. I loved Jodie's character and really enjoyed seeing her learn and grow while honoring her sister. This was a great story that pulls on the heart strings for sure.

Profile Image for Ashlee.
263 reviews12 followers
December 6, 2022
When Bree Boyd dies of leukemia she leaves a mountain of medical debt to her family. As they struggle through the grief and work towards paying it off they find she's left them one last surprise. She's left her bucket list and asked her sister Jodie to finish the last few things she didn't get to do.
This was a wonderfully written book about loss and how to carry on after. Bree spent her life fully immersed in living but sees her sister holds herself back and wants to make sure she comes back from what she knows will be a major loss. I loved that Bree, who saw herself as almost invincible, is able to pivot at the end of her life and make a plan to pull her family out of the hole of grief once she's gone. The love for family, blood or chosen, is highlighted through the plot in this book. This is such a unique story and I feel it will stick with me for a while. I was hooked from chapter one and stayed up well past my normal bedtime to finish this book in one sitting.
Profile Image for Desiree.
481 reviews16 followers
April 10, 2023
Wow. Just wow. SO good! Pardon me while I go deal with my raging "bookover" 😂

Tender, sweet, emotional, and heartfelt. Jodie is such a sweet person, but so shy and unsure of herself. And Bree? You really here her voice and see her shining personality so strongly, even though you only meet her for for a few chapters in the beginning. She positively glows throughout the story.

A happy ending story where the characters rise from their grief and blossom anew. Or perhaps better than new. Read this one with your tissue box handy. But rest assured you'll be smiling through your tears.

Bravo, bellisimo, and more please! 👏 👏 👏
Profile Image for kay.
61 reviews9 followers
February 25, 2023
I received an advanced copy of this book, courtesy of NetGalley and Kensington Books. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Jodie Boyd's sister, Bree, a hugely successful influencer, dies of leukemia at 26. Their family is left grieving and with crippling medical debt until scheduled videos of Bree pop up on her instagram, and she posthumously reveals that, if Jodie completes her bucket list, a corporate sponsor will pay off the debt, and if Jodie manages to keep Bree's followers and grow the number, more benefits are to come.

For what it's worth, I thought the start was alright. The sisterly love, jealousy and grief in general were handled well and I loved how Jodie and Claudia's relationship without Bree was starting out.

Then, the bucket list came. It had been some time between me reading the description and actually starting this book, and I must have glossed over the premise, because it was the most bleak, harrowing, ghoulish thing that I couldn't figure out if it was genius commentary on late stage capitalism and the commodification of human life or simply a symptom of it. It's hard enough to believe that Bree didn't have some form of health insurance and that, as a 26 year old influencer with over a million followers, she didn't have enough money to pay enough towards the debt so that her family wouldn't be on the brink of ruin. It's even harder to believe that there was absolutely no outrage when Bree's very public video revealed that the overwhelming debt will be paid bit by bit for every item Jodie, very publically, completes from her bucket list, all while keeping up her dead sister's social media so that the billionaire owned airline company can profit from it. I kept waiting for this to be addressed somehow, for some boundaries to be set, for someone to question if dragging a dead woman's sister into a marketing campaign so that the corporation can keep the dead woman's followers maybe isn't a good look.

Well, it was addressed. At 70%. Some sort of boundaries were set at 85% and from there it turned into a convoluted mess in which the billionaire somehow seemed to be the most rational person.

I wish I DNF-ed.
Profile Image for Andrea Pole.
727 reviews116 followers
December 7, 2022
Someone Else's Bucket List by Amy T. Matthews first drew me in with its intriguing title, and the promise of an unforgettable adventure. While it certainly delivers some bucket list moments, I found myself to be emotionally engaged with protagonist Jodie, whose courage in the face of unimaginable grief will have you rooting for this self-professed underdog.

Jodie has always felt a little adrift in life, and it doesn't help that her sister Bree is living out her dreams as a highly successful Instagram influencer. When the full of life Bree succumbs to leukemia, she leaves her unfinished bucket list for her sister to finish on her behalf. While it is a big ask, it might just be the push that Jodie needs to learn to live again, while at the same time honouring her beloved sibling.

This one certainly tugs at the heartstrings, and is sure to resonate with readers. I look forward to reading more from this author. 4.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for an ARC.
Profile Image for Vigasia.
408 reviews20 followers
November 14, 2022
The book was bittersweet but more on a sweet side. For me sometimes too sweet. It is "P.S I Love You" but sister to sister. Did I like a book? I did but I don't think it was something extraordinary. It was kind of an american dream stroy recorded for an instagram. No exactly my cup of tea, but good book for an autumn evening.
Profile Image for Brianna Hart.
229 reviews25 followers
May 11, 2023
Oh I really liked this one. I was a bit skeptical at first because death can be such a touchy subject but I really liked how the author handled the plot and how the family handled everything. Just when you think a family is about to lose everything a dying person actually finds a way to bring them back together.

When Jodie’s sister Bree passes away her family is devastated. Of course, they’re also swimming in medical bills too and it’s crushing all of them. On the Thanksgiving after, a video from Bree surfaces and their world is changed.
Before she died Bree put together a bucket list and it’s sponsored so for each event that is completed, there is prize money associated. The person completing the tasks- Jodie. Some are simple, like planting a tree and others more difficult like flying over Antarctica.
Perhaps the most difficult is taking piano lessons from Mr. Wong who also passed away. Now Jodie is reunited with her high school crush who is the new Mr. Wong giving her lessons.
Though filled with grief, Jodie is determined to finish the list. There are a lot of things that threaten to get in her way, including her own fear, but she learns to channel the pain and find a way to stand up for herself. What starts as misery ends up being the best thing that could have happened to Jodie after her sister’s death.
Profile Image for Stephanie Verheyen.
63 reviews4 followers
January 11, 2023
My first 5-star read of 2023! I got this as an ARC from NetGalley, and I’m so excited for it to be released in May 🥳

I had a feeling this would be a fun read based on the description because it’s such a unique concept - a girl completing her sister’s final bucket list items after the latter passes away from leukemia. I got what I wanted and so much more. I’m not joking when I say I laughed out loud and cried real sad tears at several points in this book. The female lead was only annoying like once or twice but fully redeemed herself! There were so many underlying make-you-think moments and quite a few twists I didn’t see coming. THIS is what I’ve been waiting for with every review I’ve written about books feeling rushed or like they didn’t go deep enough into the details. I’d recommend it to my friends who like cutesy romance just as much as the ones who like a deeper read. Pre-order this or request your own ARC ASAP - you won’t regret it.
Profile Image for Literary Redhead.
1,626 reviews494 followers
May 28, 2023
I loved this book that will break your heart and remake it, and adored the beautifully drawn characters and compelling tale of love, grief, and new life. If you prize women's fiction, I dare you to put this down before the last page. Highest marks!
147 reviews
November 22, 2022
Get your tissues ready! This is a story of joy and sorrow, grief and celebration, living and dying, weakness and strength, fear and courage. I almost didn't read this one but I'm so glad I did. Jodie's sister Bree is dying of cancer. Her 100 item bucket list has 6 items left and if Jodie can complete them Iris Air, Bree's Instagram sponsor, will pay off all of her medical bills. The characters grip your imagination and you become a member of their family as they experience the ups and downs of this crazy life. By far, one of the best books I have read this year.
Profile Image for Maria.
1,469 reviews50 followers
May 15, 2023
Beautiful and heartwarming story about two sisters and their love for each other and their family. I loved Jodie’s determination to stay true to her sister’s list amidst the media circus and the CEO with a conscience. Throughout the whole story, the sense off loss is prevalent and isn’t buried amongst the different challenges, which is something that gets buried in other stories. This was such a wonderful tribute to her sister. The only thing that didn’t work for me was the love interest but other than that, a great read.

I received a copy from #NetGalley and #RBMedia for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kim Loves Reading!.
142 reviews28 followers
May 1, 2023
I had mixed feelings about this book, it is so sad losing someone you love. Then even after they are gone you still have all the medical bills as a reminder of what you lost. Only in the US do you have this burden, I think everyone would agree with me medical cost and then of course funeral cost are crazy. This is a story of one family who lost a beloved daughter, sister and friend. How far would you go to make sure your loved one's last wishes are fulfilled?

Josie is nothing like her sister, she is introverted, and her sister is larger than life successful influencer. So, when her sister dies, she asks Josie to do the last bucket list adventures to pay for her medical bills. No pressure, right?

Josie agrees, what choice does she have? Her parents are already struggling to pay the medical bills. With her sister in her ear telling her she can do this; she pushes through the list and starts to find herself in the mist of all the hype.

Things get a crazy and the pressure becomes so much, because she feels like she has to relive her sister's death over and over again. Can she pull it together and save her family from financial burton and also maybe save herself?

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Book for copy of this book for my honest review..
Profile Image for Kari Kirfman.
207 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2023
Jodie Byers has always felt out of place next to her vivacious beautiful older sister, Bree— Prom queen, homecoming queen, and successful travel instagram influencer. At 26, Bree is diagnosed and dies of leukemia. She leaves behind a bucket list for Jodie to complete.. If she completes it and retains followers, a sponsor will pay off all of Bree’s staggering medical debt. Some of the challenges are easy (plant a tree), while some are daunting (have a cameo on a Broadway play), and still others seem impossible (fall in love).

I loved this book. The story was well told, with 3 dimensional characters. We get a delightful cast of characters who I wish we saw more, especially Jodie’s dad and Kelly’s mom.

I laughed; I wanted to cry; I did cry.

It was authentic in the treatment of grief. Jodie and her family are deeply entrenched in grief and stress about paying off the medical debt. Jodie just goes through the motions of work, school, home every day. Her mom hyper-fixates on Bree, while her dad seems to have fully retracted into himself.

The bucket list challenge breaks some of this routine and gives them something else to think about. I thoroughly enjoyed going on adventures with Jodie and “Marketing Barbie” Cheryl.

Planned release: May 17, 2023

Content warnings: death, cancer, cheating

Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the complimentary copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Laurie.
917 reviews
November 7, 2022
I just love this story!
Learning how to love, live and be happy (even out of your comfort zone) from your sister's bucket list is emotional, sad, happy and just enthralling! Wow!
Jodie and Bree are so very different and yet, had and still have that sisterly connection we all wish we had. Can Bree share with Jodie her hopes and dreams even if not here?

The story is well written, in great detail and perfectly done.
I loved both these women.
You will not go wrong cracking the pages of this novel!

Thank you to NetGalley and to Kensington Books for this Arc and allowing me to read and provide my own review.
Profile Image for Emily Seddon.
43 reviews
May 15, 2023
Social media influencer Bree Boyd is diagnosed with leukemia at just 26 years old. Treatments are not successful and Bree succumbs to the disease. On the first Thanksgiving Eve after her death, a pre-recorded message pops up on Bree's Instagram account. Soon, the family discovers Bree had these postmortem posts scheduled to appear on her Instagram. In these messages, Bree reveals that before her death, she secured sponsorship for her little sister, Jodie, to check off the six items left on Bree's bucket list. As Jodie completes this list, the sponsor has agreed to pay off the insurmountable debt left by Bree's medical care. Demure and grief-stricken, Jodie is unsure if she can fulfill this last wish from her sister but she decides to try anyway.

Given the premise of the tale, I certainly expected there would be an emotional component to this story, and I was looking forward to seeing Jodie's personal growth and healing from this experience. However, this book was so much more than I expected. Rarely do I struggle to find the right words to review a book but it's been 24 hours since finishing the story and I am still speechless. The author writes in such a way that I could feel the pain, loss, and hopelessness the family feels after Bree's death. Likewise, the uncovering of Jodie's true self throughout the book is visceral and raw. The audiobook narrators are fantastic and bring this story to life. But the ending...the ending had me SOBBING. I was completely unprepared for the combination of emotions I felt at the end of this book. A 5-star read that I will be talking about for a long time.

Note: I received an ARC copy of this audiobook and this voluntary review and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Stacy40pages.
1,279 reviews87 followers
May 21, 2023
Someone Else’s Bucket List by Amy T. Matthews. Thanks to @kensingtonbooks for the gifted Arc ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Jodie is nothing like her adventurous and social Instagram influencer sister, Bree. Jodie is shy, and unsure what to do with her life. She’s also devastated when Bree passed from Leukemia. But Bree had a plan for her family to help pay off her medical debts. Jodie is going to finish her bucket list and none of the items will be easy for her.

This was such a great read. It is sad and they don’t hold anything back when it comes to your emotions, but it’s real, it’s funny, and it’s just a great read! There is a little bit of a miscommunication trope to it, which I hate, but it was okay because the rest of the story was perfect for me. I love a good sister book, and while the sister relationship wasn’t portrayed in the present tense, there’s a lot of history and emotion.

“You never really have someone, not forever. You just get them for a little while, if you’re lucky. And you never know how long you have them for.”

Someone Else’s Bucket List comes out 5/23.
Profile Image for Shaina Perkkio.
129 reviews3 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
May 16, 2023
At almost 20% in, we’ve barley gotten to the main plot in the story and I have to DNF. I loved the premise of this book, but the length and pace were just too difficult to get me invested and could have benefited from more editing. The beginning starts out with Bre in the hospital and plants itself there for what I feel was far too long. Maybe the story becomes more hopeful or maybe I’m just not in the right state of mind, but the tone was just camping out in melancholy and I was really craving more of the bucket list plot line. This may have just been a synopsis/marketing issue. I understand the situation is heartbreaking, but even the dialogue felt overly dramatic. If you’re looking for a deep, emotional story with complex family dynamics, you might enjoy this one. I’m finding for me, right now, this just isn’t connecting with me. Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an audio copy of this book.
Profile Image for Kathi.
897 reviews4 followers
April 11, 2023
I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed this one. Chick-lit isn't a genre I usually read, but I was gifted an ARC, so hey, why not? The title and synopsis are intriguing.

This is a story about grief, but it's also about personal growth, and families of all types. The fact that the billionaire owner of an airline would sponsor such an endeavor, and to such an extent, for Instagram hits was a little far-fetched to me, but Jodie's humanity and reactions made it easy for me to suspend belief on this.

The book is scheduled to be on sale 5-23-23.
Profile Image for jee.
38 reviews
May 22, 2023
Rating : 3.75 / 5

Jodie is tasked to finish her dead sister’s bucket list to relieve their family of the hospital bills. And they weren’t the easiest things to do as she needs to really come out of her comfort zone. She’s in for a whirlwind of activities with a hurricane of new people and old friends. She’ll do anything for her sister, she isn’t sure how she’ll fulfill the last item on the list, to fall in love.

A contemporary fiction that involves going out of one’s comfort that also tackles grief with a sprinkle of romance. Grief rooted from the death of a family member is the central theme and the bucket list is what jumpstarts the family towards acceptance and moving forward.

Everyone kept pressuring Jodie to do these things so that their debt would lessen, yet no one cared what she thought about it. It’s really hard for an introvert to come out of their shell, it takes time and lots of self-reassurance to be able to do a task. So I really applaud Jodie for doing everything.

Every character at some point annoyed me in some way, how they kept pestering, pressuring, and forcing Jodie into uncomfortable situations. There were also the miscommunications, or lack of communication to be precise. The romance aspect had me on the edge of my seat, and without spoiling anything, I almost threw my device across the room in anger.

Overall, it’s a great book about an adventure to moving on from grief. It isn’t the easiest ride, yet it’s a necessary one to remember that there is still joy in life.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
300 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2023
Thank you to Kensington Publishing for the advanced copy of this book.

The beginning of the book felt a bit rough trying to establish characters and relationship structures. Chapter 1 was a bit overloaded with similes & metaphors.

However, once Jodie learns about her sister's bucket list challenge the story gets it's legs and goes from women's fiction to second chance romance.

4 stars because I cried.
Profile Image for Dayle (the literary llama).
1,084 reviews166 followers
June 4, 2023
It’s all down to personal preference. It just didn’t work for me. It was a lot of misery business and not what I thought the story would be, adding in that the characters frustrated me from beginning to end. I still don’t think my two star review is entirely reflective of the book though. I can see many enjoying the emotional journey.
Profile Image for Jenna.
149 reviews2 followers
May 14, 2023
4 ⭐️ I liked the concept of this one and it was a great story, but it felt soooo much longer than it needed to be. Wasn’t a huge fan of the MMC, so I had a hard time rooting for their relationship. Overall, well-written and certainly pulled at the heartstrings.
*Thank you to the author, the publishers, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date*
Profile Image for Janalyn Prude.
2,116 reviews55 followers
March 24, 2023
Bree thought she had pneumonia and went into the hospital when the doctor asked her how long has she had leukemia Bree thought he was joking because as far as she knew she didn’t have cancer. When she found out she actually did have leukemia she attacked it with her can-do spirit she was an influencer and look at everything in a positive way or sister Jody was the complete opposite. So when Bree passed away and said her last wish was for Jody to come out of her shell and finish her bucket list she was a little hesitant but knew it would help pay off her sisters hospital bills and after all it was her sisters dying wish. Slowly but surely every item she Texar changes her in someway. I totally love this book and love that even after Bree was gone she continued to change her sisters life I love books like this and was not disappointed this is a total five star read in a feel good story I will be reading again in the future. I have never read a book by this author but I definitely will in the future. I received this book from NetGalley and a publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
Profile Image for Caitlin Underwood.
23 reviews1 follower
February 1, 2023
First, I’d like to thank Amy Matthews, Kensington Publishing, and Goodreads for the giveaway that landed this book in my hands. :)

This book was a bit of a slow start for me, though I’m not entirely sure why. Once it took off, about the time Jodie got to New York, I couldn’t put it down. I found the characters compelling and realistic, and I thought the premise of the story was unique and fresh. The twists and turns didn’t feel forced or over dramatic, and I found myself rooting for Jodie throughout it all. The author has really found something special with this story, and I would love to read more of what she has to offer the world.
January 22, 2023
TW: cancer, death of a loved one, grief

“Someone else’s bucket list”, as the title indicates, brings us the story of a character that has to fulfill another character’s bucket list. Jodie’s sister, Bree, dies of leukemia at the young age of 26, failing to fulfill her childhood 100 itens bucket list, leaving to her sister the remaining 6 itens.

This book is an amazing journey of grief and love, showing that life is never black and white. We can be extremely sad, grieving a loved one, while at the same time experiencing moments of joy. The two feelings are not mutually exclusive!

For starters, I felt the author tackled really well the disease and grieving part, with the first 30% of the book being extremely heavy on these issues, so be aware of TWs for this one. I didn’t feel it to be too romanticized, which I must admit I haven’t expect, but quiet like in the sense that brought more realism to the narrative. Additionally, the extremely high costs of cancer treatment in the US are present throughout the book, which I felt that, once again, brought realism to the story and awareness of the families’ difficulties in paying, especially if after everything their loved ones don’t make it.

There were parts of the book I had issues with. Bree was an influencer, so the whole fulfilling of the list is shown on her instagram and sometimes Jodie was too discomforted with some decisions being made, felt they were more for marketing purposes than to honor her sister. I had issues with the whole marketing thing, I came to understand where it was coming from, but maybe it should have been explained earlier on, as some attitudes of certain characters are not right. I don’t want to give too much of the book away, so I leave it like this.

Jodie has an amazing growth, which was very nice to see and experience. My heart was with her the whole time. A sibling is a bigger part of our lives than people without siblings might consider, specially if he/she is older, as was the case. The grandmother was gold! So ahead of her time in certain issues, really loved her! I’m only sad she was only a side character, I felt she deserved more time.

I thank NetGalley, the author, the publisher and everyone involved in allowing me early access to this book.
Profile Image for Lisa Goodmurphy.
333 reviews3 followers
December 15, 2022
3.5 stars rounded up to 4

An intriguing premise and an emotional, bitter-sweet story about family, grief and learning how to live again after loss.

Bree Boyd is a young Instagram influencer who has been living life to the fullest and checking items off her bucket list when she becomes ill with cancer. After her death, her family learns by way of a series of videos she had recorded that she has found a way to help them after she's gone. One of the last things that Bree did from her hospital bed was negotiate a sponsorship with an airline company which agreed to pay off the medical debt if her younger sister, Jodie, can complete the remaining 6 items on Bree's bucket list. Jodie is nowhere near as outgoing as Bree had been and she's reluctant to take on this public challenge but she doesn't really have any choice as her family is drowning in debt from Bree's cancer treatments. From their family home in Delaware to New York City to a flight over Antaractica, Jodie is pulled along on Iris Air's publicity campaign as she attempts to complete Bree's bucket list (including #100 Fall in Love).

Someone Else's Bucket List is a touching story - heartbreaking at times as Jodie and her family deal with the overwhelming grief of losing Bree but also hopeful as they begin to move forward from that loss and realize that the bucket list campaign was a final gift from Bree not only to eliminate the debt but also to give them something to focus on as they navigated the difficult months following her death. Completing Bree's bucket list also helps Jodie to find the courage she needs to stop languishing in Delaware and move forward with her own life.

I have to say that the entire premise of the book is heartbreaking as well. The only reason that Jodie is completing her late sister's bucket list is because her middle-class, hardworking family has to pay a medical debt. To think that a family dealing with the devastating loss of a daughter/sister is also left with crushing debt hanging over their heads is just unbearably sad and, for a reader not in the U.S., it's hard to fathom that this is the reality for too many people.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.
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232 reviews46 followers
May 26, 2023
I found this book a little slow getting into, primarily because YA fiction isn't really my thing, but the farther I read the more sophisticated the themes of this book became and very quickly it became a book that was extremely hard to put down.

Jodie Boyd has lost her sister, Bree, to cancer. Her family has a mountain of debt as a result of the medical efforts to save her life. Jodie is doing her best to help with the expenses, moving home and taking a job that she hates to help pay off this debt. It's not enough, and the Boyd family is slowly drowning under the bills. Enter Bree's final request, her final six bucket list items, and a billionaire and his company who are willing to underwrite the whole project, provided Jodie is the one to complete it.

Except Jodie isn't Bree. Bree is a social promoter, has a million followers on Instagram, and is a dynamic force of personality. Jodie is quiet, anxious, and socially unsure of herself. But she agrees because if she takes on the project, the billionaire and his company will pay the medical bills - ALL of them.

Grief can make you forget who you are as you remember your lost loved one. It can leave you directionless as you try to fill the hole that they left. It can make you attempt things in their honor that you would never attempt on your own volition. And sometimes, through doing these things, you can figure out where you lost yourself and help you find where you wanted to be all along.

I wasn't sure when I started this book that I would even like it. I ended up loving it.

( The only reason I didn't five star this book is such a minor thing, it's almost not worth mentioning, but it was annoying enough that I feel like it could be easily fixed in a second edition printing. Claudia - pick a name and stay with it. I get it. It's her nickname. But stop with the continual shifting between Claudia and Claude - often times in adjacent sentences - because it's linguistically disruptive and really breaks the flow of the story. )

I received this title as an Advanced Reader's Copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
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