Certification Providers

EDAA Trust Seal

Under the self-regulatory initiative, companies shall self-certify their compliance within 6 months  of committing to the programme. In order to demonstrate compliance and be granted the corresponding Trust Seal, signatory companies acting as Third Parties must, within one month of their self-certification, undergo an independent certification process with an EDAA-approved Independent Certification Provider.

Certification Providers will grant successful companies a renewable Trust Seal, owned by EDAA, which will act as a representation to the market that the company is fully compliant with the AdChoices programme. This trading seal is envisaged to have a significant market value to compliant businesses, conveying a sense of trust and good standing from consumers and business partners towards the company that receives it.

EDAA has mandated 4 Certification Providers:


The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) recognises ABC as an approved Certification Provider for participating companies in the EU Self-Regulatory Programme on OBA.

ABC is the industry-owned auditor for the media industry in the UK & Ireland. ABC is governed by the media industry, for the media industry and are expert at setting data and process standards across multiple platforms. ABC provides a stamp of trust for media buyers, media owners, publishers and digital traders working in existing and emerging platforms.

ABC also delivers certification for a wide variety of digital advertising and trading processes. ABC certification demonstrates that processes meet industry standards including those for online ad trading. This delivers confidence in trading practice and helps to protect the reputation of owners, advertisers and the intermediate parties who trade.

As a Certification Provider approved by the EDAA, ABC’s independent certification is valid across all countries within the EU and we are happy to work with any company large or small for your operations within the EU territory, wherever you are based.

For additional information on ABC and its services, please visit www.abc.org.uk/edaa or contact enquiries[at]abc[dot]org[dot]uk.

BPA Worldwide

Headquartered in Shelton, CT, USA, BPA Worldwide is a not-for-profit assurance service provider established in 1931. Created by the media industry to audit audience claims used in the buying and selling of advertising, BPA performs more than 2,500 independent media audits in over 30 countries.

Today, through its iCompli service, BPA verifies compliance to government and industry standards, as well as adherence to privacy and data protection best practices. BPA provides assistance to companies looking to achieve Independent Verification for the following industry standards: EDAA, Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) guidelines, Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), JICWEBS (UK Brand Safety), IAB UK Gold Standard, and digital content providers following the COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) code of practice.

The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) recognises BPA as an approved certification provider for participating companies in the EU Self-Regulatory Programme on OBA. Through its iCompli service offering, BPA verifies compliance to the EU Principles for online behavioural advertising and ensures proper use of the EDAA Trust Seal. Engagements are performed by BPA staff that are trained and certified information system auditors (CISA) and supervised by an executive staff Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

For additional information on BPA Worldwide and its services, please visit www.bpaww.com or contact Richard Murphy ( RMurphy[at]bpaww[dot]com) or Dan Schneider (DSchneider[at]bpaww.com).


ePrivacy, which was approved by the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) as an Independent Certification Provider, is very much in demand and highly valued by customers worldwide.

ePrivacy is a premier consulting and certification company with long standing experience, focusing on international digital media business and data privacy management. ePrivacy offers a broad range of certification services, such as the ePrivacyseal based on German Data Protection Law, the ePrivacyseal based on European Data Protection Law, privacy evaluations, OBA Framework Certification, Brand Safety (JICWEBS/DTSG UK Good Practice Principles), targeting quality certification and separate consulting on data protection. The services are provided in all fields of digital business including digital media, websites, mobile, apps, advertising, cloud services, eHealth and Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA).

As an EDAA Approved Certification Provider, ePrivacy advises and assists companies with the implementation and compliance with the European Principles on OBA. Working with ePrivacy, companies worldwide achieve competitive advantages via actively dealing with all challenges of data protection and data security. Furthermore, ePrivacy advises companies on all digital data protection issues, coordinates discussions with privacy authorities and contributes to the customer protection.

ePrivacy was founded by Prof. Dr. Christoph Bauer as CEO and comprises a team of technical experts and experienced lawyers. Prof. Bauer also publishes books and articles on data protection and online targeting and provides advice on data protection issues to the EU.

For additional information about ePrivacyconsult and its services, please visit www.eprivacy.eu, or contact: info[at]eprivacy[dot]eu.


EDAA has approved TrustArc and its subsidiary TRUSTe, recognising TRUSTe’s expertise in certification services as a Certification Provider for the European Self-Regulatory Programme on OBA. To learn more about the TrustArc Ads Compliance Manager – EDAA Compliance Package and TRUSTe certifications, please click here.

TrustArc powers privacy compliance and risk management with integrated technology, consulting and TRUSTe certification solutions – addressing all phases of privacy program management. The foundation for these solutions is TrustArc’s SaaS-based Data Privacy Management Platform which provides powerful, easy to use technologies – and is backed by over six years of large-scale operating experience across all industries and client use cases. The technology platform, along with TrustArc services, leverage deep privacy expertise and proven methodologies which TrustArc continuously enhanced through tens of thousands of client projects over the past two decades. Headquartered in San Francisco, and with offices around the globe, TrustArc helps over 1,000 clients worldwide demonstrate compliance, minimize risk, and build trust.

As an Approved Certification Provider for the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), TRUSTe will be responsible for independently assessing company compliance with the European Principles on OBA and issuing the EDAA Trust Seal to companies that can demonstrate that they meet the standards required. The TrustArc Ads Compliance Manager—EDAA Compliance Package is a one-stop solution that enables companies to safely collect and use customer data across mobile and desktop, ensure compliance with the European Principles on OBA and empower consumers to control how their information is used online. TrustArc’s Ads Compliance Manager is currently serving billions of daily OBA Icon impressions worldwide for some of the world’s top brands and advertisers, and leverages TRUSTe’s globally recognized consumer privacy brand and two decades of experience providing market-leading TRUSTe certifications and dispute resolution services.

For additional information on TrustArc solutions and services and TRUSTe certifications, please visit www.trustarc.eu, or contact: edaa_program[at]trustarc[dot]com.