I'm Patrick McKenzie. Your engineering team knows me as patio11.
The broad through line of my work is systems thinking applied to businesses. I think the social organization of the Internet and its impact on the world are underestimated by almost everyone, including Silicon Valley. Everything important to you in the world sits atop several infrastructure layers; I am a storyteller for some of those layers and the people who build them.
My weird hobbies include writing Bits about Money (a weekly newsletter about financial infrastructure), cryptocurrency skepticism, and running national shadow vaccine location information infrastructure. (The pandemic has been weird for everyone, right?)
My self-assigned score is median value created for software people (engineers & entrepreneurs, principally) times number of software people impacted. Most is due to telling engineers to Charge More™ and accelerating software startups through my public work. I love talking to software people.
I am a tiny angel investor. I've lived my entire adult life in Japan (travel recommendations).
I am an advisor to Stripe. Opinions expressed on this site are my own.