Bas bet

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Wikimedia Foundation joybarları hám tiyisli joybarlar ushın global hámjámiyet saytına Meta-Wikige xosh keldińiz, muwapıqlastırıw hám hújjetlestiriwden rejelestiriw hám analizlewge shekem.

Wikimedia Outreach sıyaqlı basqa meta-negizli wikiler Meta-Wikide tiykar salǵan arnawlı joybarlar sanaladı. Tiyisli talqılawlar Wikimedia pochta dizimlerinde de bolıp ótedi (tiykarınan, wikimedia-l, onıń kem trafik ekvivalenti menen Wikimedia Announce), Liberadaǵı IRC kanalları, Wikimedia filiallarınıń individual wikileri hám basqa orınlarda.

Házirgi waqıyalar

Mart 2023

Golden Barnstar Hires.svg

This month we WikiCelebrate: Penny Richards

OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg March 31–April 2: WikiCon Portugal 2023.
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg February 28–March 28: Wikimania 2023: Call for program submissions
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg February 21–April 24: Terms of Use update process: The Wikimedia Foundation Legal department is hosting a feedback cycle about updating the Terms of Use. Review the proposed update and its explainer and leave your feedback in the talk page.
Jámiyet hám baylanıs
Wikimedia Fondı, Meta-Wiki hám onıń tuwısqan joybarları
The Wikimedia Foundation is the overarching non-profit foundation that owns the Wikimedia servers along with the domain names, logos and trademarks of all Wikimedia projects and MediaWiki. Meta-Wiki is the coordination wiki for the various Wikimedia wikis.
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