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Jewish Family & Children's Service (JF&CS) helps individuals and families build a strong foundation for resilience and well-being across the lifespan.
Waltham, MAjfcsboston.orgJoined February 2010

jfcsboston’s Tweets

JF&CS helped almost 3,200 people this year struggling to afford food, housing, heating oil, and other basic needs. And with your help, we’ll finish the year strong and deliver even more warmth to our neighbors.
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JF&CS works to bring warmth in the cold to thousands of people every year. And there is still time left in 2022 to join our campaign to help families heat their homes, stock their refrigerators, and pay bills in a time of inflation -- as well as provide mental health support...
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We thank Johnson Compounding and their customers for their generous donations, as well as Park Street Books & Toys for the toys and impactful donation of children's books in Spanish. Thank you to Representative Tom Stanley and Legislative Aide James Zanghi...
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Thank you to Johnson Compounding and Wellness for supporting JF&CS clients with their annual toy and supply drive for the fifth year in a row! The donated new toys, diapers, toiletries, and various infant supplies will support our Center for Early Relationship Support clients.
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Domestic abuse is a real issue in the Jewish community. Signed by rabbis and cantors from across the state and from many different Jewish congregations, schools, organizations and communities, the MVOM statement communicates both support for abuse survivors and a message to...
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As we reflect on lighting Chanukah candles at the darkest time of the year in Massachusetts, 149 rabbis and cantors are offering light and hope to survivors of domestic abuse with this year’s Many Voices, One Message (MVOM) campaign.
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What does warmth mean to you? Does it mean a warm home? A warm meal? Friendship and community? Independence? Peace of mind in challenging times? Whatever warmth means to you, it’s true that too many of our neighbors are struggling with warmth this winter.
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Thank you to the Medtronic Foundation for coming to volunteer with Family Table. Members of the Medtronic Jewish Community packed Chanukah bags, organized and restocked the pantry, and bagged toilet paper and Shabbat candles.
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When the world feels cold, JF&CS donors bring warmth. Your generous support will enable us together to bring warmth through our End of Year 2022 Giving Campaign. We can work together to help families pay their bills, surround struggling people with mental health support, and...
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Donor Highlight: Parenting a baby is always a tender time. Angela, who received support from the Lauren & Mark Rubin Visiting Moms program after she gave birth, was so inspired by the work the program does that she became a donor herself to pay it forward.
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The work done by JF&CS is made possible by our generous network of donors and volunteers. Thank you to Mark's Moving & Storage, based in Westborough, who has enthusiastically increased their gift of free moving services for our clients from $10,000 to $15,000 for 2023.
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The winter brings many challenges for people struggling in our community. Costs are soaring for necessities like food & oil. The dark days will cause strain for people struggling with depression and loneliness. But when the world feels cold, JF&CS donors like you bring warmth.
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Your Elder Experts is a team of caring professionals at JF&CS who guide older adults and their families through the complexities and challenges of aging. Hear from a real client on how Your Elder Experts made all the difference for her family below.
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her own personal connection to JF&CS, and how our integrated-but-varied approach to services helps meet the needs of our community. “One of these [Jewish] values is welcoming the stranger, and part of what we do is reach out to people of all faiths."
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'“These are places where people don’t have to feel they have a particular expertise,” Beth said. “It’s just: we’re a group of nice people who care about each other, who are hanging out, and we want to hear from you.”'
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Beth Soltzberg, the Director of Alzheimer's/Related Disorders Family Support at JF&CS, recently spoke to Being Patient about the importance of memory cafés, especially for making participants feel comfortable and less isolated.
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Memory cafés, like the one JF&CS holds monthly, have grown in popularity across the world. Memory cafés gather people living with dementia and their caregivers together to share similar experiences, build community, and find support and joy.
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Gayle is a donor and volunteer with JF&CS. When her mom had to move and needed to find a place that met her medical needs, Gayle turned to Your Elder Experts. Their care manager made the process of finding her mom somewhere to live comfortable and safe, removing some stress...
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abuse through education and awareness-raising. Check out their newest Advocacy Corner video, where they answer the question: “What are some things you might say to support someone in your life who has a controlling or abusive partner?” Please help us spread the word!
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