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The video shows farmland with mountains in the background.


State Outline
United States Congressman
Serving Washington's 4th District

Stats This Year

# of Constituent Cases
# of Responses to Constituents
Money Returned to Constituents

Latest News


western caucus 100 members
May 12, 2023
Rep. Newhouse (R-WA), Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus, announced the growth of the Western Caucus to 100 Members, making it now the second-largest caucus on Capitol Hill.
May 12, 2023
Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) and members of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sent a letter to TikTok CEO Show Chew expressing grave concern about TikTok's ongoing censorship and monitoring individuals who view topics disfavored by the CCP.
potato growers harvest
May 12, 2023
Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) led his colleagues in urging the Biden Administration to support American potato growers to gain access to additional global markets.

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