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eGift Cards

Add your personal message and send by email or text.

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Physical gift cards

Send a smile with unique designs and fun packaging.

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Print at home

Print and fold an Amazon Gift Card at home.

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Specialty gift cards

Give a gift from their favorite brand.

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Amazon Reload

Easily add funds to your gift card balance.

Find out how Personalized eGift Cards

Make it special with a photo or video

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Add more fun with animation and video

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Personalized Coloring Page

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Frequently asked questions about gift cards

What can Amazon Gift Cards be redeemed towards?

Gift Card is redeemable towards purchase of millions of eligible goods and services provided by Services LLC and its affiliates on, or certain of its affiliated properties, such as Eligible goods and services are subject to change in our sole discretion.

Are there any fees or expiration date to use Amazon Gift Cards?

Amazon Gift Cards have no fees and no expiration date.

Are there any shipping costs on Amazon Gift Cards?

Physical gift cards (except Anytime Gift Cards) are delivered with FREE One-Day shipping when you select One-Day shipping at checkout. For more information, check this page.