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@2GoYH about infant-directed speech was so interesting: The new@FathersPlaybook version has a personal action plan tool that can help build a plan to talk to your baby more: Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Get your proposals in for the 2021
#HealthierTexasSummit. Deadline has been extended to May Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
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SAVE THE DATE! Our Virtual 2021 ACOG District XI Annual Meeting will be held on October 22-24, 2021. We have an amazing program in development and hope you all can attend! Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je TweetHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
The Texas Collaborative for HIV Education & Prevention (TCHEP) is hosting the 1st in their series of webinars on ending HIV in Texas.
@DavidLakey_MD@DrPhilHuangDFW@CDC_HIVAIDS@TexasDSHS@DCHHS@HIVGov Register: … Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Great piece by
@elenamarks@DavidLakey_MD@EileenNehme on integrating social and health services@Health_Affairs blog.@utsystem@Health4Texas …Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
The population health group
@utsystem is looking for a Project Support Specialist to work on its team. The position is based in Austin. High School Diploma required.@DavidLakey_MD Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
@nancybyatt@MCPAPforMoms "how to achieve equitable access to#mentalhealth care; improve the lives of#mothers#babies."@TexasPQC 2021 Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
Thanks to all the speakers and attendees for making the
#TCHMB2021 Summit the best one yet. Looking forward to#TCHMB2022! Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
@shadesofblueprj founder Kay Matthews shares at#TCHMB2021 that when a mom comes and says they are struggling, the focus should be the the mom is in danger. Not everyone around her. Focus on mom.#MakeShiftHappen@TexasPQCHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
@nancybyatt of@MCPAPforMoms discusses a successful evidence-based model to impact women’s access to care for postpartum mental illness.#TCHMB2021@TexasPQC@UTSystem@DavidLakey_MD@TexasDSHS@pramsey2012 Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
Kay Matthews
@shadesofblueprj, "we got to stop putting one before the other when working with#blackwomen struggling with#mentalhealth and are actively seeking help. We got to stop assuming and judging. Working with community organizations is key."@TexasPQC Summit#TCHMB2021Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
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#Family medicine is designed to take care of the entire family & help providers to understand the social aspect of#womenshealth. It's important to develop trust with women to ensure continuity of#postpartum#maternalmentalhealth care."~@ebriggsmd.@TexasPQC#TCHMB2021#PMADsHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Really interesting session exploring practical and actionable strategies to improve women’s access to care for postpartum mental illness. Thanks Emily Zalkovsky, Dr. Sarah Wakefield, Laura Kender,
@ebriggsmd and Kay Matthews.#TCHMB2021 Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
Kay Matthews
@shadesofblueprj, "#blackwomen experience barriers in accessing#mentalhealth care/services" & reminded 500+ attendees@TexasPQC that "#postpartum experience is different for every woman, importance of education, need to decrease stigma, & address#SDOH." Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
Ready for MoMMA's Voices Executive Council member, Kay Matthews, to be a part of the
#tchmb2021 discussion around maternal mental Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
#TCHMB2021 Thanks to Dr. Jennifer Shuford for the very thorough explanation to help understand these#Covid vaccines! Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
DSHS Chief State Epidemiologist Dr. Jennifer Shuford explains everything we need to know about the allocation and distribution of the
#COVID19 vaccine, including perinatal considerations.#TCHMB2021@DavidLakey_MD@TexasDSHS@pramsey2012 Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
@TexasPQC leading by example by having a Covid impacted person sharing their birth experience in their native language to a crowd of over 600.#TCHMB21#UseYourMomVoice#UsaLasVocesDeTuMadreHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
TCHMB proslijedio/la je Tweet
Excellent presentation from
@InfectiousNeo on the impact of covid on pregnant moms and infants! Great practical information#TCHMB2021@TexasPQCHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
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