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K-Trumpism or K-Trump[a] is a term used in the political context of South Korea and is related to the current president of South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeol. Depending on the situation, it is also simply referred to as Trumpism (트럼프주의 or 트럼피즘).[5][6]

Some media and expert outlets have described Yoon Suk-yeol political positions as "right-wing populist", "Trumpist", and "far-right" because of Yoon Suk-yeol's anti-Chinese rhetoric, right-wing nationalist nature, hostile attitude toward opposition and the critical media, hardline social conservatism, negative attitudes toward feminism, and positive attitudes toward possessing nuclear weapons. Yoon Suk-yeol and his supporters deny allegations that he is far-right or a Trumpist.[b][9][10][11][12][13] However, unlike the original-Trumpism, anti-immigration attitude is not noticeable.[14]

The term was also used to point out the controversy over anti-feminism by Lee Jun-seok, the former party leader of the PPP.[15][16] Historically, this term has also been used to refer to Hong Joon-pyo's right-wing nationalist tendencies. Prior to the rise of Yoon Suk-yeol and Lee Jun-seok, Hong Joon-pyo was mainly compared to Donald Trump.[17]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ It is variously expressed in Korean language as "K-트럼프",[1] "K-트럼피즘",[2] "한국판 트럼프",[3] and "한국판 트럼피즘".[4]
  2. ^ Although some South Korean conservatives support social and cultural policies similar to Donald Trump, but they oppose Trumpism. The reason is that Donald Trump supports pro-North Korea foreign policy supported by South Korean liberals.[7] The way South Korean liberals view Donald Trump is complex, most of which oppose Trumpism-based social and cultural policies, but at the same time tend to support Donald Trump's pro-North Korean foreign policy.[8][9]


  1. ^ "조국 "K-트럼프의 시간 될 것"…신간서 윤석열 맹비난". 25 March 2022.
  2. ^ ""검찰총장 출신 정치신인 대통령"··· 외신이 평가한 윤석열".
  3. ^ "윤석열 후보는 한국판 트럼프인가". 17 December 2021.
  4. ^ "尹대통령과 트럼프의 평행이론…'한국판 트럼피즘' 노리나". 21 November 2022.
  5. ^ "[중앙시평] '영성' 트럼피즘이 상륙한 한국". 8 February 2022.
  6. ^ "트럼프주의와 윤석열주의 - 미주 한국일보".
  7. ^ "홍준표 "트럼프가 한국 좌파 정부 도울 줄 상상도 못 했다"" [Hong Joon-pyo said, "I never imagined that Trump would help the Korean left-wing government".]. 중앙일보. 16 July 2018. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  8. ^ "문정인 "바이든이 미 대통령 되면 북한 문제 풀기 어려워"" [Moon Chung-in said "If Biden [not Trump] becomes the U.S. president, it will be difficult to solve the North Korean problem".]. 동아일보. 3 July 2020. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  9. ^ a b "The troubling far-right tendencies of Korea's Yoon Suk-yeol". The Hankyoreh. 28 December 2022. Retrieved 3 February 2023. K-Trumpism is part of the global rise of right-wing populism, experts say
  10. ^ "Is Yoon Suk-yeol the South Korean Trump?". The Korea Herald. 2 March 2022. Retrieved 3 February 2023.
  11. ^ "Feminism is the New F-Word – Populism & Patriarchy Among Young South Korean Men: K-Trumpism is part of the global rise of right-wing populism, experts say". Harvard Political Review. 15 January 2023. Retrieved 3 February 2023. The case of South Korea parallels the lasting effects of Trumpism on conservative nativism in the United States, which attributes economic troubles to asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants.
  12. ^ https://carnegieendowment.org/2023/01/25/dueling-nuclear-nightmares-behind-south-korean-president-s-alarming-comments-pub-88879
  13. ^ Soyoung Kim; Nanyang Technological University (29 October 2022). "Yoon's assault on South Korea's press freedom". East Asia Forum.
  14. ^ "인구절벽 현실화에 외국인 이민 논의 물살, 윤석열정부 이민청 설립하나". 25 September 2022.
  15. ^ https://jmagazine.joins.com/monthly/view/334182
  16. ^ "이준석, 트럼피즘? "2030 지지가 백인하층민의 분노인가"(종합)". June 2021.
  17. ^ "홍준표 "트럼프가 한국 좌파 정부 도울 줄 상상도 못 했다"". 16 July 2018.