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Canadachange.orgJoined April 2012 Canada’s Tweets

‘I feel overwhelmed, I’m relieved we’re home free…’ Odelia and Nerissa Quewezance were released on bail after spending 30 years in and out of prison for a second-degree murder conviction. Hear what the judge had to say on the latest APTN News Brief:
Candice's petition for Pedro Pascal to be the parade marshal at this year's continues to gain momentum — over 6,500 people have signed so far.
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Pedro Pascal, who plays Joel, spent time in Calgary and across the province filming the hit series and has spoken about how he loved exploring the mountains and seeing the northern lights. @CalgaryStampede #CalgaryStampede #TheLastOfUs
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"In our multicultural society, learning a third language is an invaluable asset that enhances student success." Petition starter Antoine and supporters are calling for foreign language courses at English CEGEPS to continue. #Bill96
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“Bill 96 basically decimates foreign languages departments. It means you can’t learn Spanish or Mandarin at an English CEGEP. Those languages represent 20% of native speakers in the world. Why would we want to limit students' education?” | @ToulasTake
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please read, sign, and share this important petition Black immigrants comprise so much of the work force described as heroes during this pandemic, but government and employers continue to treat Black labour in Canada as disposable
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The goal was 1 000 signatures and at 6:26 am on Wed, March 1st, 2023, we have reached over 3 000 signatures thanks to you all amazing souls. Thank you to you all who made a donation so we can reach a greater impact! 🔥 👉🏽 @DesmondCole @CBCNews @ctvottawa
Today, supporters are protesting outside the office of MP to stop the deportation of Betty and her two sons. started a petition to keep the family in Canada. Nearly 10,000 people have signed already.
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Peaceful protest against the deportation of Betty and her two Canadian sons.Bring a sign or I’ll give you one. Thursday, March 2nd @ 1:30 PM in front of her MP’s office @MonaFortier (233 Montreal Road, Ottawa). #BETTYNEEDSTOSTAY #KEEPBETTYSBOYSHOME 👉🏽
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Listen to on why he thinks an investigation into for pandemic profiteering and greedflation is needed. 👇
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#ICYMI | The #GMH Podcast: Infidelity shakes up city hall, Single household rules for #Netflix, Calls for the feds to investigate #Greedflation, #PopCanTax & #SuperBowlLVII! #CdnPoli #ToPoli @lobbygrl @jaymrosenthal @HaruunYEG @JacobCamenker LISTEN:
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Petition starter is calling on parliament to investigate for pandemic profiteering and greedflation.
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A basket of groceries shouldn't cost over $100 and 5 chicken breasts should certainly not cost $37. Greedy CEO's like Galen make 100x what the average Canadian make and nearly 184x what his own workers make. It's time for a change. Sign below👇 #cdnpoli
More than 10,500 people have signed 's petition calling for an Indigenous woman to be featured on the next Canadian bank note.
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Australia is talking about using an Indigenous design on their $5 banknote. Here in Canada, @NWAC_ca launched the #ChangeTheBill campaign to ask why an Indigenous woman has never been featured on our currency. Visit: #cdnpoli
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"A very useful tool that many, many people use" Geneva and petition signers are calling on Twitter to preserve free access to the Twitter API.
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🚨This is truely the end of an era & very sad news for the social media research community. Twitter 'll be charging for access to both v1.1 & v2 of the Twitter API. What this will means is that thousands of apps, tools, dasboard & bots will go dark in the coming weeks. #SMSociety
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🧵👇1/2 Change The Bill is an exhibition by the Native Women’s Association of Canada calling for reconciliation through art. Indigenous artists reimagining the $20 bill with their heroes to celebrate their stories and accomplishments.
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"It's been 30 years, it's beyond time that they get to go home.” Petition starter Nicole Porter, who is in Yorkton, SK today for day 2 of the Quewezance sisters bail hearing, talks about her forensic analysis of the case.
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'I'm nervous, but I feel strong. I have nothing to hide.' Saulteaux sisters Nerissa and Odelia Quewezance are in Yorkton Sask., for a two-day hearing that will decide whether they’ll be released on bail. Hear what they had to say on APTN News Brief:
Dan Godbersen was at the legislature in Regina this morning to present a petition with over 58,000 signatures calling for Odelia and Nerissa Quewezance's release. Petition starter Nicole is onsite in Yorkton attending the first day of the sisters’ bail hearings.
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Dan Godbersen, Executive Director of Michel Callihou Nation Society, was at the Leg in support of Odelia and Nerissa Quewezance who were serving 30-year sentences for the second-degree murder.
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