From the course: Learning Wix

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Link sub-pages to the portfolio main page

Link sub-pages to the portfolio main page - Wix Tutorial

From the course: Learning Wix

Link sub-pages to the portfolio main page

- [Instructor] Hopefully, you built out that Fashion page I mentioned in the previous video and you have something now that kind of looks like the page that I have here. So we now have our Portfolio page, we have our Engagements page, we have our Fashion page and the last thing that we need to do is go back to our Portfolio page and make sure that we have linked up to our subpages. So let's do that now. I'm going to switch over to my Portfolio page, and we now need to make Engagements and Fashion linked to those specific pages. And we would continue on with a Family and a Travel page. I haven't given you the assets for that I feel like after two you probably have a sense of how to do it, and after that, it just becomes busy work. But if you want to build out your own Family and Travel page, feel free to do that. And you can link to those pages as well using the same methodology. So let's start with Engagements.…
