From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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Creating text outlines

Creating text outlines

- [Instructor] In an earlier movie I mentioned that I can't draw very well. Fortunately, we all have a huge library of cool shapes that somebody else drew for us. They're called fonts. And InDesign lets you convert any text from any font into editable paths. In fact, there are two ways to convert text to outlines. You can convert a whole frame or you can convert just some selected text. Let's go ahead and select this text frame and zoom into 200% by pressing command 2 or control 2 on Windows. First, let's convert just a single letter to an outline. So I'll double click on this text frame to switch to the type tool, and then I'll select the letter R. I'm going to head up to the type menu and I'll choose create outlines, but first make sure you're paying attention to the spacing between that R and the characters next to it. Did you see that? The text spacing changed a little bit. The space between that R and the…
