From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Using the Shell command

Using the Shell command

- The Shell command allows me to take a solid and then hollow it out. I can remove one or multiple faces during the same operation. Let me show you how it works. So I have a part open right here and right up here at the top of the screen, I have a command called Shell and right over here in the faces to remove box I can choose something like bottom of the box. And then I can define how thick I'd like to shell or the thickness of my final part. All right, we also have the option for coming down here and doing multi body or multi thickness parts. But right now let's just go ahead and just do the most basic style of shell. Click on OK and you can see what happens, it actually just cuts away all that material. And let's go ahead and section our part, you can see there it's all one uniform wall thickness throughout the part. So it's a really powerful command. Just one click I can literally remove all that material that…
